Monday, April 30, 2012


dya masih sama seperti pertama kali aku mengenalnya. baik, hangat dan pekok. ya memang begitulah dya, itu jugalah yang bikin aku bs suka banget temenan ama dya, everything comes naturally, mengalir gt aja. setahun menjalin keakraban membuatku takut setengah mati begitu dya resign bakalan bikin kami jd jauh dan "jauh" (krna biasanya memang bgtu, apalagi cowok yg statusnya udah sold out :D) but how's suprise when we're met again after a couples month,sikapnya padaku SAMA SEKALI tidak berubah fiuhhhh #tarik nafas legaaaa bangettt :D

sikapnya padaku membuatku sangat nyamannnnn membina hubungan pertemanan dengannya. He's completely Mr. Nice Guy :)
kami bisa bercanda bersama (dr yg olok2an jaim smpe olok2an mesum ria, yeahh we did it :D), makan berdua (dya gag pernah jaim buat ngerokok klo lg sama aku #hal yg gag pernah dya lakuin klo qt lg sma ww sista#), kami  berbagi makan dr piring yg sama,sendok yg sama dan bahkan SEDOTAN yang sama (untung dya gag punya penyakit mulut hahaha), kami kemana-mana berdua *dgn catatan hanya dlm urusan kantor, lepas dr kantor kami teman biasa wkwkw*, kami punya selera musik yg sama, kami bicara, diskusi dan shared about everythiiiiiiings :D

dan hebatnya ples ajaibnya kami masing2 tidak pernah berusaha menggali tentang kemungkinan "perasaan" yang nyelip tanpa kami sadari di dalam hubungan yg kami namakan pertemanan itu. kami sangat menikmati hubungan kami ini tanpa ada tendensi atopun keinginan lebih melangkah ke hal yg lebih jauh. terutama aku bicara dari pihak aku sendiri, aku pribadi pun tidak pernah menginginkan pertemanan ini berubah jalur atopun berubah halauan. I LOVE MY ARI SO MUCH, I REALLY DO!! tapi aku juga tdk bs mengingkari klo aku selalu merasa senang, bahagya dan happy klo abiz sama dya atopun abiz ketemu dya wkwkwkw aku pikir masih wajar kan :D

dan yang bkin aku seneng lagi, dya sepertinya selalu tau bagaimana menjaga perasaanku (ceileeeee!).dya gag pernah bawa pacarnya tiap mo ketemuan sama aku dan anak2,gag pernah crita2 atopun nyinggung2 soal pacarnya pas lagi sama aku dan recently happened is dya tetep perhatian dan ''sama sekali gag berubah sikap" even dya bawa pacarnya itu pas suatu x pergi bareng anak2 hahahaha thanks we're still "brothers" bro :))))))

hopefully we can always be brothers,,,sukses yaa disanaaa,,,sampe ketemyuu lagiiiii *tossssssss

Saturday, April 28, 2012


i'm soo impress with my new aplication fitur on my phone, whatsApp! which i already installed since last tuesday. before ari's going to singapore i was so worried, thinked about how we can still  keep in touched routinely without paid too high cost :(
two days we just comunicated by YM, which when i was at home, it took a loooong time to continued caused by very bad signal that made us fighting finally,ohh its sucks!! But then ari's suggest me to installed those application on my phone and voilllaaaaaa!! this fitur was soo amazing, soo faster and allows us to share everythings (picts,video etc) and its dont need high cost.. yayyyyyy :)) #say goodbye 2 text messaging and YM :D 

btw,this is some picts we've been shared through the whatsApp :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


i was afraid of dogs!! really scared!!

stay close with them made me feels like its gonna bite me.i dont wanna too close with them. i had a lot of horrible memories with those animal. when i was in high school, my classmate catched a dog which roam around the field when we're on physical exercise. then she'd threw it on my FACE!! i was really scared, shocked, hysterical and crying so hard for an hours. it took a several times to calm me down and made me stop crying. starting those incident i'm stopped talking to her. she'd so mean. she never know that those incident left a big trauma to me about the dogs :(

sejak saat itu aku bener2 takut sama yang namanya anjing. radius 100 meter aku melihatnya sudah benar2 membuatku ketakutan setengah mati. i never want to touching or carrying no matter how cute they are. for me there's never was cute dogs in this world. BIG NO!!

but sometimes if i saw really2 cute dog on the tv like ''darling" (oohh it is very cute!), i sincerely hope that i can relieve all my fears in dogs. and recently i was reading an article on the internet entitled "6 tips mengatasi phobia" (u can read at here). tapi sepertinya aku tidak bisa melakukan semua yang ditulis dalam artikel. terlalu menakutkan dan beresiko. tidak, aku tidak mau melakukannya!! #hopeless :(

look how cute this pomeranians, but i'm not sure i can encourage myself to carrying them #hopeless again T.T

Monday, April 23, 2012


sounds so weird huh?? yeah ari's already in singapore since sunday morning on his training for a week. suddenly i was crying too hard along night the day before he left. i dont know exactly what i was scared about, but i was really felt so sad and so worry :(
the memories when ari was first time went there really made me so scared. i'm too scared we'll get lost each other caused by high cost telephone and text messaging. we're completely got lost contact for almost a week T.T
but how happy i am when i'm going to take a nap at 11.45 am i got an incoming message which said " Honey, can u hear me" hwaaaaaaa soo happyyyyyyy :D (ari truly fullfil his promised to always keep in touch with me, thankiu dear :* :* )

and then we're talked about his 1st day in Singapore and bla bla bla, unconsciously my prepaid credit had runs out. its five hundred rupiahs per sms, how expensive!

but there's a will there's a way, money can be sought but to reach an warm love and truly happiness its need more extra power to maintain and defend it to death. Smangatttttttt!! Yayyyyy :D

Thursday, April 19, 2012

lie to me

i was really2 crazy about  korean's drama movie " lie to me" which recently played in one of tv channel . i loveeeee the main actor very much *yoon kie joon" :* :* his act, his personality and his DAMN CUTE face absolutely :)
this movie can made me sitting down in the front of tv for an hours without doing anything. just sit and watched. it can also made me not interested anymore with shopping mall, aerobics and go swimming with moms (its so unbelievable eh?!). Yeah thats right, i'm so in loveeee with this movie until i begged to Ari for download this movie, and he did it yeyyyyyy :D :D

ps,,one more little evidence which made me realized that i can always count on him in any case :)

this drama's soo sweeetttt :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

amazing 25th anniversary

today's my parents 25th anniversary yayyy :))

we're sooo happy,so gratefull and thankfull 2 the Lord who has given for father and mother to build and maintain their married life so far. it was already 25 years they were married and living together (once reminded me of my age! :( ). many storms and pounding waves of course (ceilehhh!) are already within them throuhg their domestic life as husband and wife, but God is amazing perfect, we're still together as an intact family. Many many thanks to everyone who has supporting we all this time.

we plan to hold a thanksgiving mass at home, which will be attended by peoples surround my home and close friends. hopefully everything will going well :)
once again thanks to God, this is so amazing. May them will always be blessed in every steps in their life social, loving and keep each other as always. Amen

we love u mom and dad :))

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

easter's celebration at ww

this morning i attended the easter's celebration which held by widya wacana kindergarten 1 to widya wacana kindergarten 6. the show lasted was very fun and so cheerfull :)). 

Monday, April 09, 2012

life's too short babe!

some peoples has die , my families, my neighbours, my old friends, they just left this world comeback to the eternal life up there..

many things happened beyond our ability to manage it, such as life, love and fortune is definately on HIS right hand, just like many peoples has talked.
some "sad event" which happened recently around me has remind me that LIFE IS TOO SHORT. we never know when ''our time'' will coming. Like it or not we should start preparing ourselves to face it :))


Easter holiday season :))

this is many things i had done during Easter holiday season...yay :)) that was soooo lovely :D :D

ayam goreng super krispii depan kampus,,enyakkkk dan ngangeninnn (sambeLnya bkin ketagihannn!) :D

nyobain action pake kameranya sayank hihihihi

the best capjay ever in da world made pak jokooooo :D

 like this nyooo mwah!:*

 did i look sexy?or ugly maybe :D

those banana choco cheese kebab was so delicious #syukaaaaa :D