Monday, January 27, 2014

Just Share & Get Amazed

I'm just amazed with this all haute couture's shown in Paris Fashion Week by Elie Saab for the Spring Summer 2014 Collections...and this are definitely makes me wanna be a bride again LOL :))))

They'll are amazing,glamorous and breath taking. GORGEOUS!!

image courtesy of  kaftanusman account  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Eating Disorders

Noooo...noooo!!! Don't ever think that i have bulimia or anorexia,it's a big no no! I  love my body no matter how imperfection it is,and i still use my brain to not to do everything to lose my weight to get proportional body. Thank God i still can live happily even my tummy getting bigger & bigger day by day lol :))

Wednesday last week i had stomachache which was made me couldnt go to the office. I feel my tummy was so freaking sick at 04.00 am, i even couldnt move at all. I'm telling you surely that i'm dying that time. But i couldnt found any clue what was made my stomach feel so terrible. So i just lay down on my bed the whole day, and my tummy just getting better at the end of the day. I can smiling again :))

Unfortunately i feel that pain again last wednesday when i'm on my way going home after work. One thing on my mind, the only thing i could remember was i drunk a cup of coffee that morning before i ate anything. Continued with some bite of apples. It happened again,i'm dying & feel soooo sick. but at the end of the day its went well again. Nevertheless that pain was still continued at the next morning when i'm in working. 12.00 am i went to the balkesmas near my work, and the doctor said that something bad happens with my digestive system due to my very very bad eating habits. yeahh i got chronic gastritis :(((((

sometimes people get realised about their bad habits just when they are already feeling the consequences. just like me. i was thinking & realized how my appetite getting worse when i came here in jakarta. i ate a lot of "gorengan", tons of coffe, no more exercise, junk food, a bit of fruits and so many other unhealthy fact i got shocked when i tested out my cholesterol level and the result is slightly higher than normal limit hwaaaaa...T___T
better late than never, that is my faith. so i HAVE TO repairing my appetite before its too late. Less unhealthy dishes and tons of health & more nutritious food instead. GO GO SEMANGAT!!!! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

2014 Resolutions

It's better late than never, rite? so i wanna say " HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR 2014" everyone...May this new year brings you all the joyful & prosperities in our life :))

as everyone's do, new year always mean new targets, new hope, and new resolution off course. Very important to see our 2013 resolutions back then, not to regret it or makes us dont wanna leave it all but to makes our failures on last year as our motivation to make it all happen in this new year. Lets make this new year as OURS :D ;D
here are some my resolution for this year :

  • have a baby (amennnnnn....)
  • stop consuming carbo on dinner (my tummy getting distended, over and over again by day day. made me getting frustated also but in other hand i cant stop eating "RICE" every night..errrghhhhh!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!
  • joining fitness class to get some exercise, even aerobic, yoga, zumba or something. one thing for sure I NEED TO MOVE!!!
  • home exercise more often if unfortunately i can going to fitness class due to flood disaster every corner in this city
  • starting my shoeline bussines dream (i hope this bad weather gonna end very soon, because i need to start hunting the shoe maker and survey-ing some big market such as Pasar Senen, Jatinegara and also the famous Tanah Abang to get some material suppliers
  • i just started selling branded (KW super :D) purses & bags joining with my sista. Need more precision in order to get the super quality items.
  • SMILE MORE OFTEN :))))))
  • last but not least bought one of my dream bag xixixix...teteuuuppp :D
that is my resolutions for this new year. number one for sure is to have a baby. Yeahh, me and hubby, and all the family members have really wanted a new family member. hopefully very soon, amennn...:))

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Meet Up

Went to hubby's friend wedding last night and continued hanging out together with his ex-seminary friends. PECAHH!! Super happy :)))

Happy weekend everyone...;))

Saturday, January 18, 2014

12 pm (First Flooding Experience)

I'm pretty sure that everyone must been heard about Jakarta's flooding from all social medias or television. Yupp,since last monday,january 13th bbrp daerah di Jakarta terendam (lagi) karna hujan yang gag brenti dari hari sabtu malem 11 januari ampek hari senin. Bener2 pjuangan buat dateng k kantor pas hari itu karna dimana2 uda banjir sementara ujan blm juga brenti. Sampe kantor jg cm bbrp guru yang dtg karna kebanyakan gag bs dtg ke kantor karna kejebak banjir (entah rumahnya yg kebanjiran ato gag ada transport) tapi intinya Jakarta is on flood (again!).
Sebenernya aku agak worry juga sih ama daerah tempat tinggal aku,karna deket t4 tinggalku adalah daerah rawan banjir yaitu disekitar pasar Johar. Dan menurut tante,tetangga sebelah aku dulunya (tepatnya banjir taun kmrn) sini juga ikut kerendem. Duuhhh...tiap pergi kerja ato pas tidur dirumah dalam keadaan ujan bner2 bkin aku gag tenang,bawaannya takut dan deg2an kalo beneran kebanjiran. Udah parno ples bingung aja mesti tidur or ngungsi kemana. I was really scared which i never felt before when i still live in my hometown,no matter how hard rain was dropped.

Dan akhirnyaaaa malem ini pecah telor jugak!! Tepat jam 12 malem Adit tetangga sebelah gw gedor2 pintu sambil triak2 "air naik,air naik". Alhasil aku ama suami lgs loncat dari t4 tidur,buka pintu and really get shocked karna air uda tinggal bbrp centimeter doank dari pintu T___T
Dan gag tw kenapa aku cm bs berdiri senderan ditembok sambil ngeliatin air sementara yang lain uda mulai beres2 ngangkatin barang2 ketempat aman. I feel so scare & wants to cry. I want my mom :((
Tapi karna hiruk pikuk dari tetangga2 sebelah yang semuanya ribet ngurusin barang2nya akhirnya perhatianku jadi teralih. Join to them and try to enjoy it.
Well finally ujan mulai reda & air mulai surut. Mulai beres2 lagi ngeringin air yang udah menggenang masuk kerumah. It takes 1 hours when we finished clean up our house & the rain dropped again. Errrghhhh annoying!!
We just can wish the best and hope that the water wouldn't rising up again. Kami blm membenahi semuanya,cm t4 tidur because we really need it. I'm tired, sleepy & freezing. Its everyone. Gudnite....

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Very Late Upgrade

I've been using iphone for almost a year, tp baru aja upgrading iOS nya ke versi iOS 7 semalem di sevel. me old fashion or something but i always have a reason i believe if i would do something,even for a small thing. So why i took sooo long time to upgrade my iphone because my hubby once told me that his friend's iphone getting to very LEMOT after the iOS been upgraded. Yaudalah yaaa...untuk seseorang yang minim sekali pengetahuan tentang teknologi so i also decided to not to upgrade my iphone,biar begitu apa adanya.

Tapiiii semalem akhirnya malah swami yang nyuruh buat upgrade iOS. Pergilah kami menuju ke sevel terdekat,yang notabene terkenal ama sinyal wifi-nya yanh super duper kenceng (malem sebelumnya sempet nyoba upgrade pake wifi di starbuck tp lemot banget). Awal2 sih lumayan prosea donlotnya tapi lama2 kok gag ada progres,ada sih tp luamaaa jugak. Akhire dicoba tethering dari smartphone swami ehh malah lebi cepet. Hadeehhhh...sempet kesel sih,klo dari hengpon swami bisa ngapain kita repot2 ke sevel,mana gerimis. Pulanglah kita dgn ngantuk karna uda jam 2 pagii bok,sambil tetep upgrade tethering wifi hengpon swami. Sampe rumah lgs tepar b'dua,bangun2 eh proses donlotnya uda selese daaaaaannnn....voilaaaaaa...tampilan uda berubah total dan one thing for sure is SAMA SEKALI GAG LEMOTT. Superb Happy....:)))) 😄😄😄😄😄

Ini tampilan after & before upgrade iOS ;))

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Rawr Rawr Road

everybody knew that Jakarta known as "a hell city" seen the traffic jam happened everywhere. my first 3 months gone so well, i mean my traffic jam experience wasn't bad at all. buuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt...a hell still a hell, its just about the time. dan akhirnyaaaaaa...tibalah waktu bagi saya untuk merasakan kejamnya jalanan ibukota. Macet, asep, panas, pengguna jalan yang ugal-ugalannnn is sooooooo annoying!!

my very first experience trapped in the middle of traffic jam was last monday, on my way home at my first day back to work after 3 weeks holiday. i was soooo excited for coming back office,meet again with my new colleague hehehe..
never expected bakalan kejebak macet selama hampir setengah jam di perlintasan Kramat Sentiong. OMG!! the traffic was completely paralyzed!! bener2 gila2an, jalanan merayap nyaris macet total. Gag ngerti deh apa yang sebenernya bikin macet. Tapi abis ngeliat lagi ke depan jadi tau (at least my own conclusion) klo penyebabnya selain volume kendaraan juga karena jalanan ini ada 6 tikungan yang semuanya ketemu papasan di perlintasan ini. dari arah kanan kiri arah ke pasar johar, lalu ada lagi arah kanan kiri ke arah kramat sentiong. Bayangin kalo semuanya kendaraan dari semua arah itu ketemu di perlintasan kereta. BENER2 NERAKA!!!

kadang aku bener2 gag ngerti ama jalan pikiran orang2 ini, yang ngebut2 ugal2an seenak-enaknya dijalanan tanpa mikirin keselamatan dia sendiri, apalagi oranglain. ini jadi salah satu bukti kalo meskipun pemerintah udah ngasih fasilitas yang bagus tapi kalo SDM nya masih "kayak begini" YAAA SAMA AJA BOONG!! sepertinya emang bukan cuma Jokowi yang harus berbenah tapi juga SDM-nya. well setidaknya kalo pemerintah dan masyarakat bisa jalan bareng2 dan seimbang maka segala sesuatunya akan lebih baik dan teratur. At least!

share with me in comment below if you're ever has the same experience like me. Have a good day everyone :))

Friday, January 03, 2014