Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Galau ???

i think i do, Galauuuuuuuu...:(

too many things i wanna do and i want to buy in this time. but unfortunately, one by one my wishlist going to the trash successfully caused by sooo many reasons which can't be solved T.T
  1. i really want this vintage shoes  sooo much, however my size is already out of stock T.T 
  2. i really really really want to change my galaxy with the iphone , really want it soooo much, but unfortunately i have to burried deep my this wishlist again caused by that product is out of stock (AGAIN!) T____T
gooosh, this situation really beat me sooo awfully. in life, at least so far i always got what i want,anything i want, even the small things. so i never expected before that i have to face the situation like this. its really childish, i knew that, but i always try to be honest to myself, because the experiences teach me that if we cant be honest to ourself, its gonna be difficult to do the same thing to another peoples. what about i felt or what about i was done, its really important to me to make myself confidence in every single day in order to face the realities in my life.

so, well i'm not gonna shy to acknowledge everything about i want to do or i want to buy in my daily life. because, yayy, my blog is my diary, the place where i can share and i can tell everything what i want neither i need in my life. yayy...:))

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


// Sometimes love makes you get down on your knees
Shakes you down until you're broken up...
In this lonely life there's always a surprise
Waiting around the corner to meet you
Sometimes love makes you get back on your feet
Shakes you down until you've woken up...
And there's no place I'd rather be
There's no one else I'd rather be with, baby
There's nothing else you could've done to me //

miss my ari already :))

Monday, October 29, 2012

Katekese Persiapan Perkawinan

as a bride to be, the very first important thing which have to prepare is join the pre-wedding courses to get the serificate from Gereja Katolik. at the first time, i was thinking that those course wouldn't need much time, about 2 hours per day along 3 days. so, ari and i were soooo excited to starting join the course..:)
we came late at the first day, caused by our another agenda (we've been came to Arcobaleno to look around the wedding dresses with my ari,sista and my mom. yupp, i need more advices). arrived at 04.55 pm and tadaaaaaa...we were late ohhhh...*sigh__*
ternyata, kursus dimulai jam 4 sore, bukan jam 5, yahhh salah informasi dehh..yaudah, karna terlambat 1 sesi sebagai gantinya kita harus ngulang sesi pertama bersama2 dengan pasangan lain yang juga terlambat sama kayak kami. hihhhihihi...masih bisa ketawa karna ternyata bukan cuma kita yang terlambat hunn...*dikeplakpacar#

over all, all the session has given was soo interesting. banyak banget saran, masukan, jurus dan trik which has they given to us to live our household living in the future. semuanyaaa dibahas, dari masalah jasmani sampe rohani hihhihihi...all of we (especially the girls!) still embarrassed when the topic going to about sexuality wkwkwkw...
3 day has done, so many knowledge we've got. dan sepertinya aku, personally, menjadi merasa lebih siap menjadi seorang calon istri. meskipun kursus ini benar2 melelahkan secara fisik dan menyita banyak waktu kami (kami gag bisa pacaran mesra2an hehe) but thanks God kami sudah boleh melaluinya dengan baik dan kompak. tinggal tunggu sertifikat jadi..yayyy :))

nb..."if we hold on together" above is  our soundtrack during the classes start..soo lovely..enjoyed! :))

Saturday, October 27, 2012

New Member, A Lot Of Happiness

time flies sooooo fast....tanpa sadar sekarang sudah akhir bulan, LAGI! oh my fashion God, betapa 1x24 jam itu sepertinya sangat sungguh tidak cukup dalam satu hari. So many tasks waiting to be done only in a day, and lately i can heard my whole body screaming out loudly asking some quality refreshment :(
i had very busy and stressfull week, until i have no time to blogging at all. my jobs at office was really spent my time and drained  my energy. so it can be guess, yupp...arrived at home with pale look and looked soooo tired fiuhh *.*

this weekend i really hope i'm gonna having some quality refreshment time with my ari, but unfortunately our pre wedding course more exhausting than anything. can u guys imagine, we have to sit for hours listen up the moderators speaks everything about household living we going take.its bit boring but i realised that this course gonna be our big foundation for our household future. so, go get it sam...demi masa depan hahahaha...SEMANGATTTTT!!! :))

btw, started last week, i officially used Larissa Skin Care for my treatment face. hopefully next month my skin's gonna shine as bright as my wedding gown hohoho...:D

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Super Mega News Make Us Happy

received a news from mother which make us (all member of Kusmanto's family!) are soooooooooooo happy...finally my parents has graduate from PLGP's examination yayyyy :)))

ooh this news is awesome, considering how hard my parent's effort to finish that examination, how they failed on the first and second chances, how's my parents got stressed and pressured when they attending the PLPG for a week. But thanks God, everything has paid with these super mega wonderful  news. we're all sooo grateful...thanks so much God :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Miss You!

i was dreaming last night..i met my old officemate..hmmm it was really pleasant moment dream i ever had. is that mean i miss him so he came up on my sleep? i dont think it much because actually i could feel my heart was jumping out uncontrolled hehehe...:D
i've been so long didn't meet him, the last time i met him was about a month ago, we're meeting at our favorite ''bayangkara juice". and it wasnt a good meeting because its just take less than an hour. what a short time considering we're rarely meet up caused by our each own works. sometimes i think about him..he's really a good friend.the only one of my ex-officemate who keep contact and invited me regularly to spent the afternoon saturday after my work (he's free on saturday!) and offered my favorite strawberry juice for free hehehe., yup ONLY HIM! and that "sweet dream" succeed makes me smile alooooong day at office (one thing that i couldnt understand how he could makes me happy beyond my common sense :)!

well i dont wanna spent my time to think harder about this. i'm gonna put it away for myself. sometimes we don't need any reason to be happy, don't we? have a happy day to all of you too, guys...:))

Monday, October 15, 2012

Withered Monday

feel did'nt good mood enough when i woke up this morning....i think i will spent my whole monday lay on my extra comfy bed aloooong day. i feel soooooo languid and powerless. mata sepertinya bener2 gag mau diajak kompromi dan menuntut untuk tetep stay on my bed, as well as my body asking the same thing..ahhhh aku sudah akan melakukannya ( i lay back on my bed when i got ready to go to office just to make sure that i really need a rest at home for a day, but unfortunately my common sense wins the "battle" and here i am...on my desk with pale look and eyes closed!)..zzzzzzzz #__#
my body doesnt good enough 2 days lately, yeahh i got influence (again!) and exacerbated with the arrival my "monthly guest" which interrupt my sleep this early dawn arrghhhhh..such a one grievance is not enough for me #poor me :((

i hope i can through these day very well. keep fighting sam :))

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Loveees Saturday

i always loveeeeeee saturday...i dont know how my heart always feel excited to welcoming saturday. i always cheers up, i always smile up and i always dress up on saturday. starting woke up in the morning my mood is always get mucchhh better than another day before (even the night before i had a crash or really badmood, for example), saturday is always makes me happy aloong day...:)

 items i purchased two days ago.its from misster-shop and minimal. looooveeeed :D (pssttt...dont tell ari :p)

happy weekend everyone...:)))

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Very First UP

oohh finally my amelie  from iwearUP has happyyyyyyyyyy...:))

this was my first order and when its came to my door i was really got shocking hwaaaaaa.....THIS SHOES IS SOOOOOO GORGEOUSSSS...looooooveeee <3333

nb,..i'm sooo satisfied with this diana rikasari's brainchild. such cant ever wait for my another UP shoes i've been ordered, now i'm waiting for my Lucy and my Stella come to my door again...yeaayyyyy :)))

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Get Addiction

i think i had lost my mind..aku seperti kesetanan blanja akhir2 ini, smpe aku gag brani liat "saving magic book" yang selama ini nemenin aku ngatur keuangan. everything i purchased i wrote on that book. so far going so well, really help me to saving money day by day sampe aku bisa nabung sedikit demi sedikit.
tapi bulan ini, aku bener2 seperti kesetanan, gag mkir panjang klo mo beli sesuatu (aku keranjingan blanja online akhir2 ini since my very first shoes i purchased at online shop has coming and i really satisfied and get addicted!), gtu liat barang eyecatching lgs aja ini tangan kyk gerak reflek " made an order" click sana sini smpe tiba akhirnya transfer ke bank, confirm payment dan MENYESAL!! ohh Tuhannnn, save meeeeee :((

i don't even know how that online shop can affecting me viciously,  i feels like hypnotized and doesnt remember anything, include my guy's warning hihihhi...i'm very sure what's gonna happen if he knows what many kind of items i had purchased, he would be so angry :D :D
i never felt this way before, i never get this addiction during my intire life, so far i always think hard before i spent my money even for a small or cheap items. but now (ohh i'm getting lament AGAIN, if i remember how many kind of items which gonna come to my door sooner!) i'm waiting for the next shoes which is on production (after my rings, my "minimal" blouse, my "extra payment" for my sista, my a pair of underwear by pierre card*in, and my next order on aaaaaaaaa...please God save meeeeeeee once agaiiiinnnn T______T

it should be stopped, isnt it?actually i'm not regretting everythings i bought, i just feel didnt any comfy in my heart and feel so guilty. rasanya tu gag enak bgt di hati, kyk ada sesuatu yg mengganjal dan bikin gag tenang. i know it perfectly what makes me feel like this, unfortunately i dont have any bravery to admit it all..forgive me God...:(

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

One More Step Again

i kinda sooo lazy to blogging for couple days lately. many things happened and absolutely needed my attention sooner. yeahhh...finally my family and ari's got a meeting to discuss about our wedding hihihihi...such can not believe that i'm really gonna be a bride hahahaha...:))
 we've been talked about everything which have to be discussed, and starting this end of October i and ari gonna attending the pre-wedding course. omg, this is amazing how we talked and discussed this and that, how our family got jokes and laugh each other, its so priceless :* :*