Sunday, October 19, 2014

38 weeks Pregnancy

time flew really super fast! yupp kemaren itu jadwal check up rutin si #AriJunior. setelah masuk 37 week dokter menyarankan untuk datang kontrol seminggu sekali.jadilah kemaren check up ditemenin si adik karna si swami masi dijakarta.

terakhir hasil check up last week usia kehamilan uda 37 week. si baby #AriJunior udah 2,5 kilos & i gained 1 kilos a week -___- . gag nyangka ternyata yang diomongin dokter dan mimi beneran kejadian kalo pas uda minggu2 jelang kelahiran penambahan BB si bayik bakalan cepet banget, bisa sampe 200 gram per minggu. aku sih awalnya heppy2 aja karna so far penambahan berat si bayik emang gag begitu banyak tiap bulannya. tapiiiiii ternyata kenaikan BB si bayik juga diikuti penambahan BB si emak yang sangat signifikan, seminggu naik sekilooooo -_____-

well ternyata ke-surprise-an aku gag brenti sampe disitu aja. awal check up dicek dlu penambahan BB sama tekanan darah si emak. OMG!! aku sampe melotot liat hasil timbangan!! GUE NAEK 1,5 kilo dalam seminggu!! hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....aku shock dan beneran gag rela liat hasil timbangan itu. unbelievable banget pokoknya huhuhu...T__T
tiba giliran si #AriJunior yang di cek lebih surprise lagi, si bayik naik 300 gram dalam seminggu hahahaha...emak ama anak kompak banget naik BBnya gila2an :D :D
dokter uda ngasih warning aja buat emaknya untuk ngurangin makan manis-manis, kalo bisa besok pas lahiran BB si bayik jangan lebih dari 3 kilo biar si ibu gag kesulitan dalam proses persalinan. ngurangin yang manis2, karbohidrat dan juga buah (baru tau kalo ternyata terlalu banyak makan buah justru gag baik buat ibu hamil karna kandungan gula dan glukosa yang lumayan banyak dalam buah-buahan itu). intinya seminggu ke depan aku harus menata pola makan dengan sebaik-baiknya biar BB si bayik dan si ibu gag melonjak gila2an. semangattttttttt *kepal tangan*

oiya, untuk pertama kalinya ada oranglain yang ngliat "perangkat" aku selain swami :P :P
iya kemaren itu si dokter Erwin nglakuin priksa "bagian bawah" untuk ngecek apakah si bayik uda masuk panggul, ngecek apakah uda ada pembukaan dan lebar panggul. Puji Tuhan semuanya baik, sehat dan sempurna. Couldn't ask for more :))
two weeks later until the due date. semoga semuanya lancar, sehat dan tepat waktu. Aminnnnnn

Friday, October 17, 2014

Pick a Name!

when i was 3 months pregnant, Ari and i were already busy searched a name for our baby boy. pas waktu itu sih kita nyarinya masih sambil lalu aja sih, cuma nyari yang sebatas enak di denger, keren dan kebule-bulean. sampe akhirnya we got nothing and time flew so fast dan tau-tau sekarang i'm 38 weeks pregnant, waiting for my labour day & we have nothing name for our baby hahahaha....:D :D

dan baru beberapa hari yang lalu setelah aku kembali kerumah ibu buat nunggu lahiran, aku dan swami mulai bener2 ngobrol serius diskusi pick a name for our baby boy who gonna poop out within 2 weeks later. seriously i never think before that pick a name for a baby is gonna be so difficult and tricky. pastinya setiap orang bakalan naruh harapan besar donk ya buat anaknya, jadi pas ngasih nama juga pengennya si anak nantinya bakal jadi seperti harapan orangtua yang tersirat dalam namanya. so aku dan Ari pengen ngasih nama buat calon anak kami ini nanti yang simpel, enak didengar dan yang pasti punya arti yang bermakna buat si anak nantinya and his parent also.

i have a story when i was watching "Teenager Ninja Turtles" on a cinema couple months ago. one of those character on that movie was "Raphael" and somehow i just fell in love with that name. i started looked at the internet what is the meaning of that name. Ternyata nama "Raphael" itu berasal dari bahasa Ibrani yang berarti "Tuhan yang menyembuhkan". Semakin jatuh cinta aja sama nama itu, dan udah ngomong ke swami jugak kalo aku pengen ngasih nama Raphael buat baby boy kami nanti, and he said yess! Tinggal nyari nama babtis, nama tengah dan nama belakangnya *happy :))
tapi ternyata tanpa diduga, nama Raphael dipake duluan sama temennya swami yang kebetulan istrinya baru aja lahiran! Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....rasanya sebel, jengkel, emosi, sedih dan gag rela nama yang udah aku idam2in dan aku siapin buat anakku dipake sama oranglain. sempet ngambek juga sama swami karna aku menganggap temennya uda ngrampas nama itu dengan tidak adil lol hahaha... mau gag mau nyari nama lain donk karna aku lebih  gag rela kalo nama anakku sama dengan nama anak orang lain.

well kami harus mulai dari nol lagi nyari2 nama dari awal lagi. setelah browsing sana-sini, nyari referensi sana sini, akhirnya kami dapet juga nama yang menurut kami pas dan sesuai dengan selera dan harapan kami nantinya. belajar dari pengalaman kami sepakat buat gag nge-share dulu nama calon anak kami biar surprise dan gag kecolongan lagi lol...

happy friday everyone...:))))

Friday, October 10, 2014

(Officially) Goodbye

jadi ceritanya kemarin hari kamis, 9 October aku dipanggil sama ibu kepala sekolah SMA Ketapang untuk datang ke kantor menyelesaikan segala urusan administrasi yang dulu belum sempet diberesin karna keterbatasan waktu. sebagai seorang (ex) karyawan yang teladan dan bertanggung otomatis aku mengiyakan donk permintaan beliau untuk datang dan membereskan segala sesuatunya biar aku juga tenang menjalani kehidupan baruku sebagai ibu rumah tangga tanpa merasa terbebani masalah kerjaan kantor yang notabene officially bukan tanggung jawab aku lagi :)

setelah ngomong ke swami akhirnya aku dibolehin pergi ke kantor naik commuter line. well sebenernya swami sedikit cemas mesti ngelepas istrinya yang lagi hamil tua gini pergi sendirian lumayan jauh pake angkutan umum lagi, tapi setelah meyakinkannya dengan sedikit rayuan (halah) akhirnya swami ngebolehin juga (padahal honestly gw agak ngeri juga sih bayangin kalo2 nanti dikereta gag kebagian tempat duduk dan di-empet2 sama penumpang2 commuter lainnya), but tetep gag mengurangi excitement aku buat jalan2 sendirian naik kereta untuk terakhir kalinya sebelum mudik pulang kampung sore ini hehehe

berangkat dari rumah jam setengah 9 dianter hubby ke stasiun cisauk, lucky me pas nyampe stasiun pas kretanya dateng. lucky me lagi kreta masi sepi jadi bisa langsung duduk tanpa berebut. nyampe kantor jam 10 pagi, ngrasa seneeeng banget bisa kembali kesini meskipun sekarang aku dateng sebagai tamu. seneng banget deh ketemu temen2 tersayang aku dari bu setianna, bu rafina, bu isna, bu diah, bu mirah, pak zico, sir tommy and so many others guru2 lain. setelah menyelesaikan urusan administrasi dengan bu Lina, tiba saatnya bu Lina officially ngumumin ke guru2 kalo per 1 oktober aku resmi resign sebagai karyawan tata usaha SMA Kristen Ketapang. Dunno why but at the same time i feel sad and reliefe also. sedih mesti pisah sama temen2 yang hampir setaun ini uda baik banget ples rekan kerja yang super solid, tapi juga lega karna setelah ini aku bisa 100% fokus ngurus keluarga dan calon baby boy kami who will come out very soon :)
sebelum pamit ada sedikit acara pelepasan dan doa bersama yang bener2 bikin aku ngrasa sangat bersyukur karna Tuhan udah ngasih kesempatan yang luar biasa buat aku bergabung disekolah ini dan bertemu dengan teman-teman yang luar biasa. Thanks God for this great opportunity...:))

sebelum pulang mampir ke mall (teteuup) yang letaknya gag sampe 500 meter dari kantor aku. akhirnya mutusin buat creambath di salon langganan, makan menu favorite disalah satu japanese resto, "shopping kecil" (halah!) dan jam 2 siang langsung meluncur ke stasiun tanah abang dengan perasaan sedikit worried takut kalo kesorean dikit aja bakalan barengan sama jam orang2 pulang kantor which is means rush hours alias alamat bakalan mesti berjibaku sama lautan manusia yang pada pulang kantor.
fiyuhhh...rupanya yesterday was my lucky day. sampe stasiun belum begitu banyak penumpang, gag perlu nunggu lama juga kretanya udah dateng, tapi tetep aja pas masuk ke kreta kalah cepet sama penumpang lain yang pada berebut kursi, ehh gag taunya ada mas2 baik hati yang ngasih tempat duduknya pas liat ada ibu hamil ini (ibu hamil previllege) hehehe...makasih ya mas-mas yang baik hati....:))

fiyuhhh...yesterday was quite tired day, but inside my heart i couldn't stop grateful to God who had gave me a chance through all those experiences. now going to packing up because i'll "pulkam" this evening to prepare my baby's labor day in my hometown. *fingercross*

Have a great weekend everyone... :* :* :)))

Friday, September 26, 2014

Resign (Again!)

honestly aku adalah tipe wanita pekerja. Yupp, i loooove working behind the desk a lot because that kind of job made me could doing anything beside doing my main job. i can finished my jobs within leave my favorite hobbies which is shopping online and blogging lol :D :D

maka dari itu pas awal-awal aku merried dan swami ngajuin syarat kalo dya gag mau aku kerja lagi begitu kami menikah really2 freaked me out! aku udah parno ples panik aja kira2 mau ngapain kalo gag kerja kantoran secara hampir 10 tahun after graduated i'm an office person. udah terprogram banget dimana tiap hari bangun pagi, berangkat kerja, working hours, hangout with officemates,weekend cuma buat me time bareng keluarga dan ke gereja. That was my routine activities for almost 10 years and suddenly i have to stop it all to be a full time housewife. that was really scary, i swear!
sampe akhirnya setelah aku resign dari tempat kerja terakhirku di Solo and moved out to Jakarta i tried so hard to live my life being a housewife for around 1 month.i used to felt so stressed, desperate and cried almost every night because i couldn't deal being an unemployee. aku stress berat. bener-bener stress karna aku mesti adaptasi dengan lingkungan baru, dan hari-hari berlalu cuma duduk bengong dirumah, 1000% jobless, 1000% so bored and stressfull. akhirnya setelah memohon-mohon ke suami dan suami ngliat sendiri betapa depresinya si istri karna jobless finally he let me to work again. hari-hari berganti dari bengong jadi sibuk browsing sana sini cari lowongan kerja. And GOD worked with HIS perfect hand, menempatkanku lagi sebagai tenaga administrasi di sebuah yayasan sekolah kristen swasta di daerah Gajah Mada, Jakarta Pusat. I'm soooo grateful :))

hari berganti hari, dan aku berusaha keras untuk menikmati pekerjaan baruku. sedikit brasa lebih berat dari yang aku bayangin karna office hours dari jam 6.45 am - 04.00 pm. harus bangun ekstra pagi karna mesti nyiapin sarapan dan bekal buat swami, berangkat dan pulang kerja harus berjibaku dengan kemacetan yang bikin tambah stress.oemjie,once i remembered what my father ever said to me (Tuhan tidak memberikan segala sesuatu dengan cuma2 supaya kita tidak lupa bersyukur!),sampe pernah suatu hari aku pulang kerja, naik motor perjalanan menuju rumah aku nangis sepanjang jalan karna desperate dan takut gag bisa sampe rumah caused by jalanan banyak yang diblokir dan dialihkan gara2 pasar senen kebakaran. what a moment :((

gag terasa udah hampir setahun aku kerja dan udah saatnya aku resign karna kehamilan aku uda 8 bulan. ini juga komitmen aku sama swami kalo aku hamil dan nanti punya anak maka aku harus fokus ngurus anak. swami tetep ngebolehin kerja tapi gag kantoran hehehehe...

so this is it, today is my last day being here as a worker. mentally aku lebih siap dibanding pas mesti resign dari kantor terakhir di Solo waktu itu. Mungkin karna di Ketapang ini aku gag begitu punya begitu banyak temen deket, semua berjalan secara semestinya aja, sekedar rekan kerja dan kami berhubungan secara profesional. Jadi rasanya lebih mudah dan enteng ninggalin segala sesuatunya disini. Dibalik semua ke-stress-an yang aku alami selama kerja disini over all aku bersyukur banget Tuhan udah ngasih kesempatan aku buat mengabdi di tempat ini. Aku percaya rencana Tuhan sempurna buat hidupku, dan saat ini Tuhan ngasih kesempatan lain yang lebih besar lagi, yaitu being a mom...:))
pamitan sekedarnya dengan rekan kerja, akhirnya aku offically being an unemployee again hahaha...but no more regret this time, karna aku akan mendapat berkat dari Tuhan yang luar biasa sebagai gantinya, seorang anak yang tidak lama lagi akan melengkapi kehidupanku dan swami. Thanks God for everything. i'm more than ready to receive Your greatest blessing...welcome motherhood...yeayyyyy :))))

Monday, September 22, 2014

What To Expect : #34weeks

as a mother to be where this is my very first pregnancy, wajar lah y kalo aku dan swami kepo banget dengan segala macem hal yang berbau "pregnancy & baby about". kami jd  rajin browsing sana-sini buat nyarik info seputar pregnancy dan segala macem info yang berhubungan dengan si baby. Y browsing lah, ikut forum di internet sana-sini lah, tanya sana-sini (ya temen, ya sodara, ya ibuku, ya ibu mertuaku, pokoknya yang uda pengalaman hamil & melahirkan donks :D), beli buku and so on. Intinya kami mau menjalani kehidupan baru kami sebagai parents to be dengan segala persiapan yang matang, jasmani dan rohani, pengetahuan dan materiil hehehe..

hasil rajin browsing akhirnya mengantarkanku menemukan sebuah blog yang nge-share tentang pengalaman dya sewaktu hamil, keluhan apa aja yang dya alami sepanjang kehamilan terutama pas uda masuk trimester tiga dan ternyata sama banget sama keluhan yang sedang aku alami saat ini (super happy ternyata gag cuma aku yang ngerasain keluhan super menyiksa during my 3rd trimester heheeh) dan akhirnya bikin aku join & registered as a member di forum What To Expect . Truth be told that this website is really2 helpfull for me and also for the whole mommas & mommas to be in the world. Website ini ngasih semua info yang aku perluin dan menjawab semua pertanyaan dan kecemasan yang aku alami sebagai ibu hamil. Dengan subscribe sebagai member, tiap hari kita bakalan dapet email yang isinya segala macam info seputar kehamilan. Dari yang boleh gag sih have sex during pregnancy, olahraga apa aja yang sesuai buat ibu hamil seiring dengan usia kehamilan yang semakin meningkat, tips dan trick mengatasi keluhan selama kehamilan, tips ngasih nama bayi, keperluan apa aja yang mesti disiapin menyambut kelahiran si baby and sooo many others informations you need you can find there! awesome :)))

minggu ini usia kehamilan aku uda masuk #34weeks, aku dapet email yang berisi video yang isinya tentang perkembangan si #AriJunior di usia #34weeks ini. Chekidot here

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Trimester 3 is Coming (Already!)

time flew superrr fast!! Yupp, perasaan baru kemaren deh rasanya jalan-jalan ke Bali yang begitu pulang-pulang (Puji Tuhan) bawa "hasil" yang sangat menggembirakan. Berasa kayak baru kemaren yang tiap pagi morning sickness, gag bisa makan apa2, bawaannya muntah mual melulu, tiap hari pengennya makan rujak terus gag mau yang laen and so many others syndrom yang bener2 bikin mabok :D :D
But thanks God sekarang uda masuk trimester 3. 30 weeks tepatnya. Rasanya semakin excited and also super deg2an day by day. #AriJunior semakin aktif dari hari ke hari, bahkan aku ngrasain 3 hari terakhir ini dya bener2 gag brenti bergerak, menendang, menggelitik perut mamanya tanpa henti sepanjang hari, even pas aku lagi tidur hihihi...Tuhan rasanya bener2 luar biasa :))

Well, namanya lagi hamil pastilah ya kondisi tubuh gag mungkin biasa2 aja atopun baik2 aja. Pastilah ada yang namanya keluhan kehamilan. Memang sih masuk trimester 3 ini keluhan gag sebanyak trimester pertama tapi seiring makin membesarnya si-tummy ini pastilah segala-galanya ikut membengkak :D :P

this is what happens during my third trimester pregnancy :

  • i gained 3 kilograms so far (dan aku berharap sampek giving birth nanti BB aku gag ngelunjak lebih dari 5 kilograms, i wish! #fingercross), 
  • #AriJunior juga udah hampir 2 kilos (kemaren pas check up trakhir waktu usia kehamilan 27 weeks dya udah 1,2 kilos) horeee ,
  • nafsu makan si mama juga uda bisa dibilang naikkk (meskipun akhir2 ini nguap lagi itu nafsu makan entah kemana, bawaannya males bosen makan apa2), maunya makan indomi meluluk -__- #ditoyor
  • sleepy all the timeeeeee....maunya ngulet dikasur muluk ---____-----
  • i dont have any stretchmark along my body (thanks to Body Cream & Beutifying Oil from The Body Shop) *i really really reaaaallllyyyyy  thankfull for this :P
  • tummy makin gede, makin lelet kalo jalan (tapi kalo buat jalan2 ke mall masi tetep punya cadangan energy super banyak lol)
  • yang paling amazing adalah sekarang uda ngrasain nyeri di bagian tulang selangkangan dan panggul, rasanya super nyeri pas dipake jalan dan tidur, bikin tidur jadi gag berkualitas dan super males bangun pagi (Halah! :P). Dokter bilang itu wajar disebabkan kepala si bayik yang udah menghadap ke bawah jadi semakin menekan tulang panggul dan tulang kemaluan, kalo memang rasanya nyeri sekali boleh minum penghilang rasa sakit dengan dosis 500mg. Sering sih ngrasain nyeri yang super banget sampe beneran gag bisa gerak, tp aku terlalu takut buat minum obat penghilang rasa sakit itu jadi y so far yang aku lakuin cuma #mewek :P dan ngelus2 perut sambil bisikin si bayik biar gag keras2 nendang perut mamanya hehehe...and its really worked lhoh. emang gag ada satupun yang ngalahin ikatan antara ibu dan anak didunia ini #cielehhh
  • and last but not least, sekarang ai and hubby uda mulai rajin hunting persiapan buat kelahiran si #AriJunior. Semakin rajin shopping deh si mama :D :D :))
we have a plan for doing some 4D USG together with my girlfriend, another mom to be, Nana this saturday. Can't waiiittttt to see youuuuu my #AriJunior sayaaaaaaang....:* :* :*

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

27 weeks_1,2kilograms_68kilos

I just got back from my general pregnancy check up and feel soooo reliefeee...:)))

Akhirnya semua kekhawatiran selama sebulan trakhir ini hilang sudah. My baby is 1,2 kilos already (naik 2x lipat dr bobot sebulan yang lalu yang hanya 600 gram pada usia kehamilan 24 weeks),i gained 2,5 kilos hahahaha yang ini aku bneran seneng bgt (karna pas awal kehamilan aku turun 2 kilo,bulan ketiga stuck,bulan keempat naik sekilo,bulan kelima naik SETENGAH kilo tok dan skrg finally naik 2,5 kilo yeaayyyy),posisi kepala si bayi juga udah dibawah jadi si mommy uda gag perlu nungging2 lagi tiap malem heheheeh.... Thanks God all is going sooo well :))

Abis konsultasi jg ngerasa lebih tenang sekarang even seminggu ini ngerasain tulang ekor,tulang selangkangan dan tulang kemaluanku sakit banget dipake gerak,dan 2 hari ini semakin parah sakitnya apalagi klo buat jalan kaki. Sempet deg2an takut kenapa2 yang mungkin bakalan bikin aku mesti bedrest. Tapi setelah googling sana sini dan td uda ketemu dokter finally skrg uda yakin kalo semua symptom ini wajar selama masa kehamilan. Its oke,tp klo memang sakitnya mulai tidak tertahankan boleh minum ponstan 500mg...fiuhhh legaaaaa :)))

Sudah harus mulai rajin olahraga a.k.a jalan2 pagi (ato siang ato malem di mall lol) dan siap2 ikut senam hamil pas uda masuk 8 bulan. Such can't wait anymoreee to see you my son....*kiss kiss* *elus2 perut* :-* :* :*

Sunday, August 03, 2014

(Very) Short Getaway

So after had lebaran holiday for 5 days at home, me & hubby have a super short getaway at Bandung. It was just 1 night stay. Tidak banyak yg kami lakukan selama liburan super singkat kami di Bandung. It was just about hunting culinary and also shopping mall (teteup!) hehehehe... :))
First night after we arrived,i was really dying to eat bebek boromeus near boromeus hospital around Dago. Hubby bersikeras naik angkot karna bner2 pengen nikmati liburan singkat ini without taxi or private car. Yasutralah ya bo', akhirnya kita putar2 dari satu angkot ke angkot yang lain buat bisa sampe ke Dago (sempet salah naik angkot dan mesti turun ditengah jalan lol :D & unfortunately kelelahan kami karna mesti naik turun angkot tidak terbayar karna warungnya tutup hwaaaaaa TT____TT

For the second day we decided to visited gasibu flea market. Flea market ato disebut juga pasar kaget yang selalu ada tiap hari minggu di lapangan gasibu. Ini pengalaman pertama aku datang kesana. Penuuuuhhhh banget sama anak kecil,tua muda,adik kakak semua tumplek jadi satu disini. Mau cari apa aja juga ada disini. Dari baju sampe alat2 rumah tangga semua ada,dari yang harga 5K sampe 300K,semua adaaaaa...!! Duuh rasanya pengen borong semua hihihi :p
Jam 12 siang we're heading to Bakso Akung  didaerah Malasari, Buah Batu. Udah ngidam ngiler banget pengen baksonya. Udah semangat 45,udah capek2 ehhh warungnya TUTUP jugaaaaa *nangis guling2* T________T

Well akhirnya makan siang kami berakhir di salah satu restoran fastfood di deket BIP. Even kunjungan kami kali ini ke bandung tidak begitu beruntung karna gag bisa menikmati kuliner idaman tp at least we had a quality time sebelum besok kembali berkutat dengan rutinitas kesibukan di Jakarta. Now we are heading back to Jakarta by train. C u later bandung... C u soon Jakarta...😊😊

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014


went out with hubby today after work. He picked me up and then we heading to had early dinner & watching Step Up : All in at TIM XXI :))

this small things really makes me happy and warmth my heart more than i can imagine before. we rarely spent our after office hour together because my office hour end at 4.00 pm while his is 5.30 pm. so it was really2 please when he come back earlier to picked me up and then spent the rest of the day together doing something we really love outside, eat & cinema..yeyyy :))

thanks hubby...:* :* :*

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

RIP Mas Yoko :(

today we lose our family member, Mas Yoko.... he pass away this morning at 03.50 am caused by stroke diseases. how sad...:((

Rest in Peace Mas Yoko... Damai bersama Tuhan disurga...:((

Monday, June 16, 2014

Dear June....... I Dare YOU!

How's this June threats you so far guys? Mine is super awesome, and i hope yours too...:))

i'm beyond happy, because the worst first trimester syndrom finally over. Now i can eat just like usual, no more morning sickness, all that nightmare was end. I feel more healthy, energetic and glowing. Still there is a day when i denied eat anything but at least i don't need through it everyday. Big thanks for my super patience hubby who always there, support me and hug me all the time i feel so stressed about my conditions. Love you to the moon and back dear...:* :*

My pregnancy is 18 weeks already. Feel more excited day by day, such can't hardly wait any longer to welcoming my baby born to this world. Everyday is a wonderful day, feel his (temporary approximation by doctor he is a baby boy!) movements inside my body was really an amazing sensation. Eventhough i still couldn't feel his kick onto my tummy, but sometimes i can feel that he is creeping along my lower tummy. God, this is so overwhelming...i'm more than happy :))

So many happiness and also hopes for this June. My baby growing so well inside, no more morning sickness, go to work regularly, our house in serpong has begun to be built, gonna come home by the end of this week, and so many other then. I'm more than blessed. Thanks so much God...:* :*

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Maternity Wear

Found myself being so busy browsing here & there looking for so many types of maternity dress. Yess, i looooove wearing dress during my pregnancy than another ones. Dresses make me feel free to walk and doing my daily activities comfortly, especially if i going to shopping. Dressing with dresses is really effortless, very comfy and has no any pressure for my baby bump. That's why i love to browse and hunting the dresses, wherever i go, wherever i browse hehehe :D :D

here are some what i've got from . Love all the cutting, the color and also the complexion :* :*

 i'm not really i can wear those maxi dress considering my (very) petite body lol :D

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rumbustious Wedding Reception

Went to hubby's friend wedding & had sooo much fun there😍😄😄

Happy wedding mbak Nia & mas Christian.... Tuhan memberkati :))

Monday, June 09, 2014

Bumil Talk

i had soooo much fun weekend...!!
Yup i had spent this weekend in nana's house in Sawangan, Depok. After attending hubby's friend wedding we both decided to stay overnight in nana's home. Just like what i always wanna do but never have the right time hehehe...:))

except had a very great time with our friends, the most happiest thing is that finally i can shared about my pregnancy with my friend who also is pregnant. we talk about anything. we both very excited to communicate about everything happened during our pregnancy along first trimester. 
me and nana really has a very different symptomp in our first trimester of pregnancy. Currently age 16 weeks my pregnant and the difference is only 1 week with nana. Nana has gained weight about 5 kg, in other hand after lost weight 2 kg last month i have no weight gain at all until now. Nana loveeeeees meats a lootttt, she said that all in her mind everyday was want to eat meats. She didn't ever felt morning sickness, could eat ANYTHING and looks so healthy from the outside. Very different with me, who is has very bad morning sickness, couldn't eat anything at first trimester except fruits, rujak and another sour snacks. i envy with her because she already look like a prego mom (she is wearing maternity clothes already, beside me still hang on with my casual clothes!) nevertheless i also very proud of myself because have no weight gain even my pregnancy is already 16 weeks hehehe...

i'm happy, sooo happy because finally i could share about my pregnancy with someone without sounds pretentious or patronizing. at least i feel comfort to share everything which is happening through my body and my belly, include all the "ugly symptomps" hehehe... because honestly, i'm not that kind person who can tell about my personal life with someone who have been through their time and act like " Mrs. Sok tau". i hate when i said about one thing and the they give a feedback like they know EVERYTHING about what's going inside me and my body. i hate that!

can't wait any longer to see nana again, sharing (and gossiping!) again hahaha... hopefully our plan to visit Jakarta Fair by this weekend is really going to happen. Thanks nana for being my lovely pregnancy partner. See u soon darlings....:* :*

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Baby Stuff Craving

okay okay, these are too early for me to start looking stuffs for my baby. I even don't know yet if it's a baby girl or baby boy. I just can't help myself to falling love with those cute baby stuffs i get from . All the collections is very cute, adorable and also eye catching. I already can't wait any longer to wear all of their cute stuffs to my baby hahahahaha :D :D

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Some Say Hi, Some Say Bye

my father once said " God is never gives us double happiness in one time, but give another grief as a complement also, so in the end we always remember to Him. Say thankful when the happiness is coming, but never lose hope too when life hits you". I used to didn't heard that very well, but as time goes by i know that what did he said was so true. the point is my parents always teach their children to always say thankful no matter how hard the realities in life. Give thanks in all things. Appreciate what you have, instead of regretting what you didn't have :)

May is being awesome for me, for my hubby, for my family. So many blessings for our family. Nevertheless just like what my dad once told me above, beside the happiness there are also the sadness too...
during our stay in Jakarta, me and hubby live in a boarding house. a huge boarding house, with 15-20 rooms. what i love most about this boarding house is it has a little garden in front of my room, just one floor and it has a wide yard. i had a very good relationship with my neighbours around my room. I have rina, adit, meymey,tante, om ferry, erick, and joshua.They'll are very kind and humorous. I feel have found new family here :))

but they just leave the boarding house one by one. Rina first, and then Joshua,tante and her husband om ferry, and the last who left the house is meymey. She came to my room last night, say goodbye and just left...*i hear that adit will leave the house too at 10th this month* and then i was crying....T____T
i feel soooo lonely, because i have no neighbours anymore. i just can't imagine if i comeback from work there were nobody. i feel so sad, remind that i just gonna spent my weekend with my hubby. I just feel empty, very very sad :((

i know they were left for a reason, which is they all have the same reason. Problem with the owner. i was crying so hard last nite, and hubby (as always) hug me & calmed me down with his wise advice. he said that maybe moved out from this place is the best decision for them, and how he convinced me that i'm gonna get another new neighbours. this is hurt for me, because i have to loose my friends (again!). But i never stop pray for them, in case they will get another happiness in their new place. God bless them, and me, right here right now. Thanks God for every happiness and sadness which have toughen me day by day...:)

Monday, May 05, 2014

Pick Pick Pick!

6 days left before my first wedding anniversary. Time flies! I still remember when he asked me to be his girlfriend about 9 years ago (fyi, he "shoot" me by phone and i can still remember clearly what he said that time. "Nduk mau gag kamu jadi kekasihku" :D :D) #blushing :)))
and now we're welcoming the birth of our first baby! This is really overwhelming, i can't say anything but thankful instead to God, for His perfect plans for my life. Woke up everyday with him beside me, and realised that now i have his baby inside me makes me really happy and affected. I couldn't ask for more God...:)

i'm thinking about what we will gonna do to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. i totally have no idea, don't know too what i have to buy as a gift for hubby.i also couldn't decided, whether make a surprise or make some plans together with hubby. i once asked him to bought me a roses bucket when that day has come, silly huh?hahahahaha

so i think its better to browse through the internet than obviously confuse what i have to do nor what i have to buy. i wish i can find something priceless and timeless for my best partner in my life. wish me luck guys :* :*

or anything else?? ??__??

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Bloom

April has been sooooo beautiful for me... So many very good things happened during this month. couldn't say anything except grateful instead :))

Thanks God I'M PREGNANT :)))))
after waiting for couple months full of worries, finally had checked in hospital and knowing that my baby grow up soo well in my tummy. Ooh my god, i was really excited when i saw my baby through USG screen last saturday. The doctor said that its grown sooo perfectly. I can see its head, hands, legs and also its heartbeat. God, this is so overwhelming. i can't help myself to cry when i realized that he/she is really growing inside me. God is soooo kind....:)

One thing for sure that's gonna be my biggest homework is to make sure i eats a lots of vegetables and fruits, considered that i had a very bad morning sickness and queasiness along day. i know it won't be easy to still eat something when your mouth & your stomach rejected everything u ate, but just like all mother in the world has done everything for their childrens, i also gonna do EVERYTHING to provide the best nutritions for my baby. I have a thousand endorsement from my hubby, family and friends who always beside me to cheering me up go through a period of my pregnancy. Couldn't asked for more :))

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Election Day, Vote for Indonesia

April 9th, 2014 is an Election Day for Indonesian citizens. Its time for us using our right to vote for better Indonesia. I've done my vote, how about you guys?
Well, bakalan tetep banyak yang golput sih menurut aku. Terlepas dari rakyat yang udah pesimis sama bangsa ini (pemimpin bangsa ini lebih tepatnya) tapi juga sistem yang lumayan ribet yang bikin orang-orang lebih milih golput. Beberapa temen sharing di media sosial klo mereka dipersulit pas mau memberikan suara di TPS dekat tempat tinggal mereka dengan alasan KTP tidak sesuai dengan tempat tinggal sekarang. Padahal kan jelas2 ada peraturan dari KPU yang bilang kalo mereka yang saat ini tidak tinggal di kota asal tetep bisa ikut memberikan hak suara sebagai DPT tambahan hanya dengan menunjukkan KTP atau KK yang masih berlaku. Tapi nyatanya masih banyak aja yang terpaksa golput karna masalah sistem #sigh

Emang bener bangsa ini masih perlu banyak berbenah. Gag usah muluk2 kali ya pengen ngerubah bangsa ini jadi lebih baik, cukup mulai dengan hal simpel aja dari diri sendiri. Best wishes aja buat Indonesia, semoga wakil-wakil rakyat yang akan terpilih ini dan juga calon presiden periode baru yang baru akan digelar Juni mendatang bisa kerja sama, kompak dalam hal memajukan bangsa ini. #VoteforIndonesia...Yeayyy :)))
(ini jari unguku, mana jarimu? banyak diskon menanti lhoh hanya dengan menunjukkan jari ungu hihihi...let's go shopping :)))

Monday, April 07, 2014

Morning Banana Diet (MBD)

aku pengen kurus. Yapp, pengen banget. Lagian cewek mana sih di dunia ini yang pengen punya badan yang gag proporsional alias gendutt lol :D

everyone said klo aku ini sebenernya gag gemuk2 amat (menghibur diri sendiri :D), tapiiiii setelah aku itung Body Mass Index aku, daannnn hasilnya bilang aku masuk kategori "GEMUK" sodara sodaraaaaa...*panic mode on*
well, sebenernya masalah body weight ini emang udah kayak jadi "temen" selama ini buat aku. lebih tepatnya sih selepas high school (i used to 40 kilograms) *OMG* dan mulai kuliah di Salatiga, which is aku gag begitu punya banyak kegiatan setelah jam kuliah selesai. Udah bisa dipastikan, BB naik drastis karna sepulang kuliah cm nongkrong, makan dan tidur! *zzzzzz...zzzzzz*

honestly, selama ini aku gag begitu mikirin masalah body weight, karna ya simpel aja sih " ngapain mesti dipikirin klo aku-nya masih nyaman2 aja ama badan aku dan sama sekali gag merasa gendut". aku juga gag pernah maksain buat diet yang gimana-gimana pas aku-nya udah ngerasa gendut. lebih ke ngurangin nasi ama cemilan aja sih, secara aku juga bukan olahraga-minded ( i used to doing aerobic three times a week). Itu aja udah bikin aku ngerasa lebih kurus dan pede pake baju apapun. Yang bikin lebih heppy lagi, aku berhasil nurunin BB aku lumayan banyak pas mau wedding day aku. Ihh gag ada yang lebih bikin gembira selain pas hari H semua wedding dress aku jadi longgar. aaaaaaaaaaaaa....*loncat bahagia*

tapii yaaa gituuu...i think it's the every woman in the world problem where their body weight getting higher after got married. YESS!! banyak banget yang bilang *jadi bukan semata-mata opini pribadi aku y* klo banyak pasangan yang mengalami penambahan berat badan secara signifikan setelah menikah. and i proudly said that i'm one of kind that couple hahahaha...
pas abis nikah sih belum banyak2 amat naiknya, cuma gt aku pindah ke jakarta dan setelah dapet kerja aku merasa klo udah saatnya aku mulai "diet cara aku" dan olahraga lagi. beberapa temen aku ngasih saran klo diet OCD ala Deddy Corbuzier beneran ampuh dan bisa nurunin berat badan cuma dalam bbrp minggu. Cuma aku gag ngerasa sreg, karna menurutku itu terlalu ekstrim. dalam mindset aku, kurus itu y olahraga dan ngatur pola makan. Bukan nyiksa diri dengan gag makan puluhan jam (bangga sama diri sendiri karna masih bisa mikir waras ditengah berat badan yang semakin menanjak dari hari kehari hehehe )

berbekal browsing disana sini akhirnya aku join panduan diet di sini. tiap hari aku dapet email dari Denny Santoso, ahli gizi dan trainer yang rajin ngasih tips-tips gimana cara ngatur pola makan dan latihan2 yang bahkan bisa dilakukan dirumah tanpa harus pergi ke gym. awesome-lah pokoknya, sesuai banget sama prinsip aku klo diet itu harus tetep makan dan olahrga and also stay healthy :)

sampai akhirnya tadi pagi pas cek email ada artikel tentang Morning Banana Diet, yang setelah aku baca dan renungkan (ciyeeh!) kayaknya gag begitu susah buat dijalani. Aturan mainnya simpel banget ;

  • sarapan hanya dengan satu buah pisang dan minum air putih
  • makan siang boleh makan apapun asal yang tidak berminyak, kalo masih laper diperbolehkan makan snack jam 3 sore
  • makan malam bebas asal selese dilakukan sebelum jam 8 malem
menggiurkan banget yaaaa...hahahahahha
well, saat ini aku belum bisa buat menjalankan si-MBD ini karna beberapa faktor, tapi its gonna be my number one list to do jika aku sudah bisa menjalankannya nanti safely. wanna try to guys? Stay eat and healthy, okay? goodluck people :))

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rush March

udah bulan Maret minggu ketiga, time flies! and i have nothing to post hehehe... so many things happened in my life during this March. All my daily activities are in a rush, even weekends i really didn't have any time to blogging. sometimes i think that these are really exhausted & i'm getting overwhelming day by day. But i'm quite sure that those all are really worthed, for my little family & for our future for sure. Got a very happiest news a weeks ago but i think i'll share with you when all comes true and clearly. Best wishes...Amen 

see you guys on my next blog post...#waving :)))

Friday, February 28, 2014

Randomly Happy Friday

It's friday, the last day of the month of love, second month of 2014. went to the work this morning with very very good spirits, don't know why but i can feel my heart is getting better than yesterday. I feel sooo excited to face this day. As a wise man once said " if you start your day positively then it will be like what you have been expected". Yayyy, couldn't agree more...:))

until this moment, 9.12 am, all my tasks had done smoothly. every people become so kind & friendly ( i wish it will be last forever, not only because this is friday where everyone become excited welcoming the weekend! LOL) so i feel so relax instead. Have a little chit-chat with my friends eventually makes me wanna going to Belitung & started browsing here & there looking for all informations about Belitung Island. 
within a second i just got everything i need  here  as a guidance how i could go there. surprisedly the airfares, lodgings and transportations fee to around the city, all at very affordable price. How coolll :D :D

Here are some pictures i got from internet, which is made me going crazy & can't wait to go to there immediately :)

what do you think about the pictures above guys? aren't they amazing? Yup yupp i really fall in love with those island & i'll try so hard to persuade my hubby to cancel our trip to Singapore next August to the Bangka Belitung instead. Wish me luck guys....& have a nice weekend ...xoxoxo :D :D

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What I Need Now #WishListOfTheMonth

  • a new bag
  • a new pair of flat sandals

  • a new pair of flatshoes

can't help myself to falling in love with those gorgeous stuffs above. I really want them all!! *cheat some times to share about my random though in the middle of office hour lol :D :D

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lesson Of The Day

my mom always said : "be good to another people, no matter how worst the feedbacks u got, at the end people would always realize that u're a kind person.that's it!"
once i forget that something which is good for us doesn't always means good too for another. that was happened to me today in work...

personally i'm not that kind person who always looking for some compliment or something, i just wanna be kind & take over all my responsibility as well as i can do and finished it all at the time. today i just tried to helped finishing my partner's tasks because he couldn't come to work. nevertheless i just found that he was very upset with me & blame on me if there would be some mistakes on the work that i have completed :((

i'm speechless...all i can do is just asking an apologise to him.i dont have any bad intention at all,i just wanna help while i didn't have any task to be done. well, it's a little bit annoying and made me a little bit sad. But at least i have doing what i have to do, doing my job and asking for an apologise eventhough i didn't doing something bad. 
Just gotta noted that for my personal, keep it & doing better for the next. Cheer up :))

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bali Trip #Day Two

We started our second day in Bali with swimming in an outdoor pool in front of our room. I'm really  really in the mood for swimming when i was arrived here since yesterday. But since i was arrived in the afternoon until the midnigth i came to the hotel,the pool was fulled of "bules" a.k.a another hotel guests who turns all "caucasians"  wkwkwkwk and yess they're all swim all day long :)))
Wake up at 08.00 am (yess,we missed the sunrise again! :( ) we went down to the pool before the bules come & take over all the pool areas lol :D

After swimming for an hour,we have a breakfast. Pssttt...that was our very first experinced had a breakfast with croissants & a glass of juice. They dont provide rice dish,they just give us croissants,muffins,white breads with jams, two kind of fruits, omelete, potatoes and fried rice. Well,not really interesting breakfast menu but seemed like that we didn't have any choice,so tried to ate & enjoooyyyy hehehe

And then we heading to Kuta Beach. We had sooo much fun on the beach. I made a tattoo & bumped into a really nice woman who is a caucasian & take a pic with her. Happy :))

Back to the hotel & checked out at 01.00 pm and went straight to hubby's friend's house in Denpasar. It takes about 1 hours driving to there. The weather was super hot this afternoon,i can feel my feet was burned out. Nevertheless i just ignored it out, i really wants to be all out for this our vacation no matter how awful the weather is,mau gosong mau item bodo amat. I just wanna have fun!!

End the day with dinner in soto sapi stall located in Kuta Market and then heading to Kopi Made cafe to catched up with some friends. My second day just really wonderful!! See u on my next third day blogpost. Yayyy :)))

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bali Trip #DayOne

Just arrived in Bali this afternoon at 01.00 pm. Finally we're here. After had a plan for very looong day before, finally we decided to spent our 9 monthversary & our very first valetine celebration as hubby-wifey in Bali. Sooo happy because now we have a chance for our second honeymoon. Semoga sepulangnya dari Bali aku bisa segera isi. Aminnnn!!🙏🙏🙏

Hari pertama ini kami blum banyak jalan2 kemana2. Cm main ke rumah temennya swami,lanjut pijet lulur (kebetulan istri dari si temen swami ini buka spa drumahnya. Bisa kebetulan bgt y,lucky me karna emang aku uda pengen banget spa dari bbrp hari lalu. Badan uda pegel semua). Last but not least and the best part was have a lunch in Warung Nasi Ayam Bu Oki in Nusa Dua. Nasi ayamnya bener2 JUARA!! Can't help myself to not to swept it all. I'm pretty sure that my waist is going 5cm bigger when i'm coming back to Jakarta lol :))))

We had so much fun today & can't wait for our second day. Gotta go to bed now because too sleepy already. Gudnite fellas :))