Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tik Tok Last Month

Today is the last day of January 2013. Times ticking so fast, its already the last day on the first months of 2013. and i still have no time to write & sharing about my 2013 resolutions, also posting about my biggest holiday i've ever have with Ary. Dunno, seems like that 24 hours a day is not enough any longer. Peoples always needs more, more & more, right? Definitely as our duty to using the time wisely, in order to pass anything in time :)

Have a great Thursday everyone.. :)

Much love,

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bit Crash

some peoples say that there are sooo many thing to have to do during prepare a wedding. that's so true. selain hal2 yang bersifat kasat mata (semua hal yang berhubungan dengan resepsi bla bla) ternyata banyak juga hal2 yang bener2 harus dipersiapkan dengan matang. All is exhausted! Itu beneran & gag boong. Dan akhir2 ini yang menyita pikiranku adalah "rembug" dua keluarga tentang tema dan adat yang bakalan dipake pas pemberkatan as well as the receptions :(

klo boleh jujur, sebenarnya me & Ari pengennya tuh pake adat nasional aja (gag perlu pake adat jawa lengkap yg super ribet dan pastinya memakan waktu lama itu) tapiiiii...yang mau "nikah" itu kan bukan cuma kite bedue ajeee, tapi semua kluarga, dan klo mau dipersempit lagi ya orangtuaku & orangtua Ari tepatnya. Seperti yang sudah2, semakin banyak kepala yang terlibat otomatis semakin banyak keinginan & kemauan yang harus dipikirkan dan klo bisa dipenuhi. Bener kan??! Itulah yang bkin sampe sekarang (started from August 2012 until now January 2013, +/- 3 months left before the-Day) we're all can't decided already what kind of theme & tradition ceremonies we're going to take. In other side, my Kebaya wedding's already done! Its already home and waiting to wear on the-Day. and sekedar informasi, Kebayaku itu gag murah lho bo', which is means GAG BISA GAG DIPAKE, karna bakalan over overrr budget klo aku mesti cari baju lain lagi untuk menyesuaikan dengan tema & adat pernikahan yang entah kapan kejelasannya. Honestly i'm a bit depressed about this situation, segala sesuatu yang kelihatan sudah oke dan sempurna ternyata justru menyimpan sesuatu yang sangat prinsip to be completed, refers to the "para tetua" considerations #sigh $_$

me & Ari decided to held a family meeting (again!) to fix this "exhausted thing" asap. hopefully its gonna be end soon & we can be focused to another things. Cheeerr UP, Sam!! :))


Monday, January 28, 2013

Shop Attack

Found myself this morning just in the mood for online shop! When i arrived at office, turned on my computer, couldn't find some tasks to do so my hands getting attractive spontaneously. Open some online shops website, klik klik klik, do the payment (thanks to M-banking, sooo helpfullll :D), do the confirm payment and all i can do is only waiting my "gift" coming to my house! Yesss :))

Honestly, i began addictive to online shop when i made my very first order in Diana Rikasari's webstore. My first Amelie was the first best shoes i've ever have present by an online shop. Felt sooo satisfied and got more crazy about those online shoestore (i already have 3 pairs and just waiting for my next 4th baby which is under production hehehe :)
All i can say is that an online shop is addictive! i want more, more & more to do those unordinary ways to buy something we want. Somehow everythings looks more beautiful & eyecatching much more than we see & touching directly in a store. And so far i'm never get dissapointed with all stuffs i've bought through olshop, thanks to youu all the trusted seller :)
These are some webstore i usually visited, they're all trusted and has soo many cute collections. Enjoy :)
do visit and get satisfied. Happy shopping :)) 

Nb :
By the way now i'm in a huge curiousity about how i can make the payment if i decide to buy some stuff from olshop which base on overseas. What is paypal? How can i make an account to use that payment method? is my stuff gonna come to my adress safely? or if i have to take them by myself, where i shud get them?? and so many question fulfilled my mind!! Could u guys help me to find out the answer? Comment below, thankkkssss ^_^


Saturday, January 26, 2013

New Blog Layout

Finally has changed my layout blog with new title & new header. Thanks to my officemate Mr. Tomson. Thankiuuuu :))


Friday, January 25, 2013

New Haircut

 got this awesome new haircut in Christoper Saloon, thanks a lot mas Gunn :)
 Seafood Spring Roll, enakkkkk!!
 this layer haircut fits perfectly onto my face, No?
 sista have her fried noodles & rose syrup lemonade :)
 ootd ; tribal tops unbranded, pants : Dust jeans, Up wedges

 shasha & sista, rice & noodles :)
too pricey to be eat, moreover so disapppointed :(

soo happy finally i had cutting my old style very long hairrr!! feel soo fresh & excited & happy & pretty (always) hehehe..thaks so much mas Gun from Christoper Saloon, u made my day yayy :))

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Eid Mubarak!

Happy Eid Mubarak  Prophet  Muhammad SAW !!!

Joyfull and Prosperity to u all & your family. Have a great holiday Muachhhh :* :))

Monday, January 21, 2013

Going Mini, Perhaps?!

i just read diana rikasari's blogpost about the brandnew smartphone by Samsung. Galaxy S III Mini !!! heart is stop ticking, my mouth going open up. This new series of Galaxy is really reaally breath taking !!

googling sana sini, looking for any reviews for this smartphone, dan finally made me be anxious more than anything. I waaaaanntttt it, sukaaaa bangettttt dan mauuuu bangetttt :D
Menurut blogspost diana yang barusan aku baca, the price is around 3 million. Gag terlalu mahal c menurut aku, worthed banget malahan setelah aku baca review ples semua fitur dan spesifikasinya.
It has so many awesome fitur. Such as Jelly Bean OS, Pop Up Play (its enable to do messaging while watching video), Direct Call (when u're writing a message & decided to call them, just lift the phone to your ear and Direct Call will immediately initiate the call for you.No need for a call log or contacts!), S Voice (its like "Siri" application on Iphone) and the last but not least is Smart Alert which is an application that will give you an alert for informed you if any some misscalled or message. What an amazing smartphone, isn't it?

Dan aku sudah mulai mempertimbangkan untuk menukar Ace 2 ku dengan S III mini inih. Serius aku suka banget. i'd send a "special message" for my guy, untuk membuatnya menyetujui "proposalku" tepatnya hihihihi..:P

 S III Mini

my Ace 2
they both looks similiar right? but with soo many differences fiturs., should i swapping my baby onto this new babies? xoxo

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Happy Wedding Nana & Kresna

attending Nana & Kresna's wedding at Semarang with Ari. Sebenernya nana ama kresna ini temen kuliahnya Ari waktu di Bandung. Mereka menikah minggu ini di Semarang. So karna semarang itu deket dari solo ples Ari juga mau berangkat ke Bali hari seninnya jadilah dia minta aku dateng ke Semarang buat nemenin dia jagong dengan iming2 "nanti kita malming disemarang, jalan2,ke mall, makan2an enak trus pulang bareng naik bis" nya itu akhirnya aku berangkat dengan semangat sabtu siang abiz pulang kantor *sempet manyun c pas awal2 mo mutusin brgkt krna malemnya kami a bit marahan gituu deee :p

cabut dari kantor jam 1, setengah jam nunggu bis gag ada yg lewat akhirnyo dengan berat hati memutuskan naik taksi. sempet macet beberapa saat dibunderan purwosari tapi akhirnya nyampe halte pas ada bis patas jurusan semarang, pas hujan mulai gede jugak *lucky me :)
tapi gag bertahan lama lucky nya, pas bayar ongkos bis, 100rb dikasih kembalian 80rb. aku inget2, aku itung2, anjrit ongkos taksi dr kantor ke halte lebih mahal daripada ongkos bis patas dr solo ke semarang! #gondookkkk :((

well, itu pengalaman rada bkin erosi pas perjalanan ke semarangnya (terlepas dr kedinginan dan kelaparan di dalem bis *gag sempet makan bo'*, nunggu jemputan yg LUMAYAN SANGAT LAMA,disertai dengan rasa dingin dan lapar dan menahan pepito yang sangat akut, ples tatapan kurang ajar dr bapak2 yang ikut berteduh juga di halte while aku nunggu jemputan) but all i can say is i'm so happy with our short trip 1N2D at Semarang. I got new friends, new friendships and also i can feel the most important things happen inside me (i decided to not shared about "my lill secret" here hehe :)
Leaved semarang happily, soo happy definitely. Apalagi setelah mampir beli oleh2 dan aku dapet bandeng otak2, makanan yang selama ini aku cariiii, yang akuu sukaaa bangett, yang hanya bisa aku makan waktu masih kuliah di Salatiga dan dikasih sama mbak Risa klo dya abis pulang kampung ke Pati heehehe. Beli bandeng otak2, kue moci, jenang kudus, bakpia, dan tidak terlewatkan Wingko Babat..yayyy :))

Ini pengalaman pertama aku spending time with ari's friends. Y selain karna aku emang gag satu kampus ama mereka, beda kota trus juga karna selama ini aku under estimate sama mereka (heheh maap y hunnn...:*). Now i realized about one thing, an ancient proveb that said "DON'T JUDGE THE BOOK BY ITS COVER". Y meskipun sekarang ini emang ada beberapa hal dan kasus yang akhirnya membuat pepatah itu jadi berarti sebaliknya. Be wise everyone, okay :)

So time to say goodbye, nevertheless i wanna say thanks so much for ipam's parents especially, yang sudah memberikan kami kamar tumpangan yang bener2 besar dan nyaman, sarapan dan makan malam yang enak bgt (bahkan ketika kami bangun tidur dipagi hari, ibunya ipam yang baik hati, cantik dan lembut itu *eh ini beneran gag boong*, repot2 nyiapin teh anget sama gorengan, hwaaaaaa...makasih banget ya tanteeee...cuppps :* :*)

Its really great to see renata (si anak bau kencur yang bawel dan lucuuk, maav y malem itu aku tidur duluaann hihihi),ipam (si Mr. nice guy, anak yang empunya rumah), endro (emm i can't describe him so well, tapi menurutku muka dya itu campuran antara christian sugiono dan my friend doni ekekekeke), nana & krisna (the newly wed), cici (ipam's gf, nana's lil sister), tomi & remika (hottie couple of the year :p) and of course the one and only Ari (lhohh!! hahaha). Thanks a lottt guys, i'm so gratefull to have a chance to know y'all better, and i wish y'all gonna come to my wedding too this May...Muachhhhh! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

27th Birthday, 8th Anniversary, Wonderfull!!

today is Ari's birthday and also our 8th anniversary. soooo happy yihaaaaayyy...:))

we're not celebrate it together, as usual, padahal aku ngarep banget kami bisa have candle light dinner (for the first & the last chance) as a boyfriend-girlfriend. karna (insya Yesus :D) next year we're already become husband-wife. Aminnn...doakeun semua lancar ya temen2 :)
karna kami gag bisa ngerayain bareng2, makanya i wanna try something new to say happy birthday to him. Jadilah tgl 16 pas dah meh pulang kantor aku mikir, kira2 bkin "ucapan" apa y...(biasanya kami hanya saling mengucapkan selamat by phone in the middle of the night, tepat jam 12 malem. Kyk gt aja kita dah ngrasa spesial banget lhohh xixixi).
Finally i got an idea! Pulang kerja mampir ke toko kue, beli birthday cake yang lucu ples dua lilin kecil (aku sengaja gag beli lilin yang berbentuk angka, krna bakalan gag sinkron banget ama kuenya yang cute & kids style bgt deh hehe). Sementara diperjalanan pulang otakku penuh dengan berbagai skenario tentang akan seperti apa nanti "kado" buat Ari.

Ehh sampe rumah tyt bonyok udah drumah,,yahhh tertunda sementara deh "niat suciku" untuk segera bkin kado. Mana aku pake tepar lagi (eyke lagi sakit bo' :( ). Tapi sorenya bangun lebih seger, ples rumah sepi (bonyok lagi pergi) akhirnyaaa...proses syuting pun dimulaiii hahahaha..yupp bner bgt, aku mo bikin video ucapan slamat for my beloved ones. i'm the casts and Micun as the cameragirl hehehe..^__^

hasilnya gag gtu jelek c, terlepas dr lighting yg kurang bagus (maklum amatir!) dan juga mukaku yg abit kucel (muka khas orang flu ples br bangun tidur, "cantikk" bgt dah pokoknya hahaha!), sooo..cekidott :))


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Make Up & Hair Do is Officially Done!!

happy haaapppyy haaaappppyyyyyy....:)))

one more preparations for my wedding is officially done! yeayyy, i found someone who will be my make up artist on my biggest show next May hehe happy!! :D
His name is Edy. thanks a lot to mbak Wulan & my Sista who has informed me about this amazing guy in the city. Mbak wulan memberiku saran untuk menggunakan jasa seorang make up artist yang biasa dipake sama Mangkunegaran (a.k.a Keraton Solo) pas hari-H ku nanti. Dya bilang klo MUA ini keren bgt dan lumayan terkenal. Jadilah aku penasaran dan pengen banget ketemu dlu sama orangnya and i wish i can make a deal :p

few months ago, i went to Mangkunegaran to looked for some information about this MUA. Mbak wulan doesn't know his/her name too, so that time i asked to receptionist who i met in there.  Si bapak akhirnya memberiku nomor telp sang MUA karna kebetulan orangnya lagi gag ada. Unfortunately when i called Mas Edi, he was already in Jakarta for some events. ooh poor me :(
couples week after that, i'm almost forget about that dealings because i had more busy with other things instead. liburan ke Jakarta, pre-wed di Bandung, hunting wedding ring, hunting invitation dan most of all is hunting my wedding dress (oooh, its soo exhausting, but thanks God all is nicely done hehehe) akhirnyo kebagian juga buat dipikirin deh about make up & hair do aku nanti hehehe :D

sampai akhirnya hari Minggu kemaren aku ketemu sama mas Edy. Cakep bo' tyt orangnya, simpatik dan baikkkk bangett pless nyablakkk hahahaha...seneng aja gitu ngebayangin bakalan "digarap" sama cowo ganteng dan baik wkwkwkw #dikeplak pacar
ngobrol kesana kesini, ini itu, diskusi serius sedemikian rupa hingga akhirnya aku dapet harga yang OKEE BANGET (tanpa harus susah payah mohon2 lho, emang keren bener dah ah si MUA satu ini!). Dan gag cuma harga yang oke bgt, tp mas Edy juga offers me soo many advantage which is definitely can't be denied.aaaaaaa mas Edy love u puulllllll...:* :*

gone back home dengan teramat sangat sungguh puas dan bahagia dan gembira hahahaha *lebaidikit*. thanks God, satu lagi tahap sudah selesai kami jalani. semoga urusan yang lain2 pun diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran. Aminn...:))

nb : for u guys who also looking for MUA for any events and live in Solo dan sekitarnya, mas Edy ini bener2 reccomended deh. U can call him in 0817445749. happy hunt-ing! :D  



Monday, January 14, 2013

Balada's Groom Suits

Lol-ing coversation on Sunday's afternoon,,
Ari : "sayang aku lg di Pasar Baru neh nyari2 kain buat bikin jas "
Me : "oh ya? bagus donk. udah dpt?"
Ari : "iya udah dapet sayang, motif, bahan dan warnanya sama persis  kyk yang kita mo beli waktu itu di MAG"
Me : " yeyyy, aseeekkkkk..."
Ari : " tapi mahal bgt sayang, satu stel nya 3,8juta, exclude vest-nya"
Me : wahh mayan bkin speechless yah hun, emang itu merk apa?
Ari : " ARMANI " #dengan polosnya
Me : !@#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#@! yaiyalaaaahhhhhhhhh #ngiyemmm 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cloth_inc & Sonia Giveaway

Already joined Sonia Erika's giveaway to win cloth_inc's shopping voucher. This is gonna be my umpteen times joining bloggers giveaway. I wish i'll be the winner in these chance. yayy :))

Friday, January 11, 2013

What To Wear : Wedding Kebaya

such kinda can't wait to publish my Wedding kebaya that i found in Rory Wardana's boutique. sooooooo happyyy...*drooling eyes ^__^

as i told u guys, that i'm nearly desperate looking for something which i'm going to wear at my wedding receptions. i've been visited some bridal&saloons which have offers wedding dress package, but always beyond our budget.tooo expensive huhuhu :(
But finally, God is soo kind, He let me found this awesome kebaya design by Rory Wardana. I'm really reeeaaallllyyy happpyy...yeayyy :))

i want to post my kebaya picture soon but i think it will be better to save it as a surprised when i wear it at my wedding receptions. pssst...i need to take a diet in order to make it fits perfectly. yesss!!

i give u some clue, now its your turn to guess which supposed to be my kebaya ;P

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

In The Mood

i'm in the huge mood to blogging this morning. i have sooo many things i need to write and i want to share here in my second world hehe..:)
its been a while since my last post last year, about two weeks i guess. throughout that time i was too busy, definitely didn't have spare time to post anything i had done. holiday was so exhausted more than i've ever thought. Nevertheless i'm so grateful because i and Ary already completed some preparations for our wedding. We found our "it" wedding rings and my "it" sketch invitation..yayyy :)

souvenirs (checked), wedding ring (checked), invitations (checked), wedding shoes (checked), Ary's suit (checked), prewed photoshoot (checked), almost 80% of our requirements is done except about my wedding dress include the make up & hair do. i'm nearly desperate about what i have to wear in my future biggest moment, including about what kind of make up style & hair do i would like to take. i'm soo clueless and really upset :(
i've been visit some bridals & salons to looked around their collections, looking, trying, fitting, asking, consultation, bargaining and so on. but until now, i haven't get a visualization would my wedding kebaya look like. confuse, confuse, upset!! *sigh
all the bridals & salons provided a very high price for every kebaya that i want. all is over budget huhuhu T_T

But finally i got an imagine to solve it all. i was thinking when i'm on my way this morning, thinking and planning to start hunting the "it" kebaya fabric.i think if i can find the best fabrics,i still can send it to the kebaya tailor, ask them to make it suitable as my favorite kebaya model, with the lower budget of course (i wish!) hehehe. so now, all i have to do is just set the time to start hunting that fabric with my mom and my sista. and also contacting Mas Edi immediately to meet up and talk about make up & hair do yayy..:)

one thing that i realized when i began set up my wedding is seemed like that everything is ticking so fast.made us run as fast as we can, its all in a hurry, and at the end everything is going wrong. its so exhausted, that's true, but in other side i'm really enjoying every part i have done to prepare my wedding and to make it going perfectly! Yesss!!