Thursday, August 29, 2013

Garnier Light Intensive 3 in 1 Whitening Essence Mask Review

Me personally a woman who is really care about my skin health, from head to toe. I do scrubbing, facial and spa once a month. i could use many products of body treatment, the most important is that those product basically containing of milk & whitening . Nevertheless for my skin face, i did so carefully because my face is a bit sensitive, its gonna be soo oily when i use the other product which is doesn't appropriate with my face skin type.

I do facial in Larissa Aesthetic Center at least once a month, in case i didn't too busy or too tired. Meanwhile, i do my own treatmen face if i have no time to go to the saloon. Aaaaaand lately i found "Garnier Light Intensive 3 in 1 Whitening Essence Mask" when i was in vacation in Bandung, couple weeks ago with hubby. In that time i felt my face's really dulls & dirty, whereas i couldn't found any saloon i like. Almost desperate finally i decided to buy this instant mask and made a try.

Luckily, i found my skin was getting fresh, brighter & more supple than before. Sooo happy & completely falling in love with this ah-mazing instant mask. I'm using this instant-mask for 1 month already, & i can surely says that this gonna be my favorite beauty product ever after....yayyy :))

 i also uploaded a video when i using the mask on my instagram....check it out :))

Monday, August 19, 2013

...And The Time Must Go On...

i'm just received a decree for an answer to my resign letter couple weeks ago. i have no idea about what i have to say, but deep down inside my heart suddenly i'm feeling sad. i missing this place with all its parts and my colleagues already...:(

they'd been my life for almost 3 years lately. i spent my almost 3 years worked & made a relation with this office, with the peoples inside. i got so many lessons during my work here. we laughed, we stressed, we gossiping, we made so many craziness together. here i learned how to improved my "religiosity" part to become better, here i learned how to socializing with another person who is older than me, how i learned to understanding about another people's opinion. i learning sooo many things, which is in the end made me realized how lucky i am had an chance to know they better, to makes they all to be a part of my social life.

I can proudly say I LOOOVE MY JOB. 3 years being an employee here i couldn't regret anything, even i wouldn't...i'm so grateful & cant stop say grateful to God, how kind He is has been put me in onto His "field". Disini aku belajar "pelayanan", pelayanan kepada sesama & the most importan thing is i realized how my "religiosity" getting better & better day after day. Always give thanks in all things, good or bad, a lot or a little, God's always gives everything we need. That's it.

1,5 months left, i wish i can give all the best in me to this place. I LOVE MY JOBS ;0)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lets Bake!!

i'm in the mood for cook couple months lately. i'm so excited to have an experience about baking. i used to a good chef, i always cooking for my family. and when i was still being unemployee, everyday i cooked. and also i can proudly says that i'm such a good chef. My food is always served perfectly hohoho..:)

This sunday i decided to bake. Brownies kukus will be my dish, served with choco cheese...lets get started

Ingridient :
  • 6 butir telur
  • 225 gram gula pasir
  • 1/2 tsp emulsfier (tbm/sp/vx)
  • 125 gram tepung terigu
  • 50 gram coklat bubuk, diayak, aduk rata dengan terigu
  • 175 ml minyak
  • 100 grams dark cooking cokelat, lelehkan, campur dengan minyak
  • 75 ml susu
  • vanilla essence secukupnya
  • garam secukupnya
How to make :
  • Kocok gula dan telur sampe mengembang
  • masukkan campuran tepung terigu & cokelat bubuk. Aduk perlahan hingga rata
  • masukkan campuran minyak & dark cooking cokelat, aduk hingga rata
  • Bagi menjadi 3 bagian adonan, satu bagian beri susu kental manis, aduk rata.
  • kukus adonan pertama tanpa susu kental manis selama 10 menit (sampai matang)
  • tambahkan adonan kedua dengan susu kental manis, kukus selama 10 menit
  • terakhir masukkan bagian adonan ke-3 tanpa susu kental manis, taburi dengan coklat cacah & keju lalu lanjutkan mengukus selama 20 menit hingga matang
  • Setelah matang, dinginkan selama +- 10 menit baru lepaskan dari cetakan
  • Kue siap dihidangkan :))

sooo happy because finally i made it perfectly & such a can't wait to try another recipes next sunday....yayyy :))

slamat mencoba tweeps..^__^

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Happy 68th Birthday Dirgahayu!!

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia ke 68th.......MERDEKAAAAA !!!!!!

Today is our Independent Days, 68th already.Hari ini segenap bangsa Indonesia celebrate our independen's day yang ke 68th. Ternyata uda lama y negara ini merdeka dari belenggu penjajah yang dalam hal ini adalah negara asing (Belanda, Jepun). Kita uda bisa bernapas lebih lega karna kita uda gag dalam masa perang lagi. Kita patut bersyukur jika dibandingkan dengan Mesir yang sekarang masi dalam perang, sipil against military, such an irony :((

Well, negara kita emang masi jauh klo dibandingkan ama negara maju lainnya. Eventually kita juga punya segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat negara ini lebih baik lagi day by day. It depends on how we use it or bagemana kita mengelola segala sesuatu yang ada disekitar kita usefully. Gag perlu terlalu punya harapan yang muluk2 deh, apalagi kita semua tahu betapa korupnya semua orang2 yang sebenernya uda dikasih kepercayaan ama rakyat buat mengelola negara ini. Aku pikir negara ini butuh orang2 macam Jokowi-Ahok. Tegas tapi merakyat, bukan yang hanya ngobral janji2 palsu sana-sini, pas udah kepilih ehh malah sibuk "nyolong" sana sini. 
Me personally bener2 prihatin ama negara ini. Kebobrokan ada di segala bidang, di segala lapisan masyarakat. Honestly aku merasa negara ini bener2 udah gag ada harapan. Wakil2 rakyat yang udah diserahi amanat sama rakyat malah semakin sewenang-wenang. Mereka semakin berjaya dan rakyat kecil semakin terpuruk. Kemiskinan dan pengangguran dimana2, sementara para pejabat sibuk korupsi, ngabis2in duit rakyat dengan study banding yang gag masuk akal, bikin anggaran milyaran rupiah untuk hal2 yang gag jelas & gag penting. Hufthhhhh...bawaannya emosiii tiap ngomongin kelakuan pejabat2 laknat ituuu...*take a deep breath sammm*

Once again, lets do the better thing, for better future, for better world...Happy birthdayyyy Indonesiaaaaaa.....wish all the best for youuuu...We looooveeee youuuuuu...:)))

Monday, August 12, 2013

Daily Routines is Back

Soooo happy to be back in home, met my mom, daddy, sista, and all my whole family members. Eventually feel a bit sad because I have to be apart (again!) with hubby. I was crying when I’m on my way to train station yesterday, worst feeling that I always felt when I must be separated with hubby. Miss his laugh and his warm hug already. Yuppp…suamiku ngangeninnnnn :* :*

I came late to work this morning. I don’t know, I just couldn’t find my passion yet, probably because my another family member still enjoying their holiday. They’ll comeback to their work starting next Monday huhuuhu…#iriiiii
While my another family still enjoying their holiday, my works is waiting to be done. Fully waiting list!! Hmmpttt..sooo let’s get too worrrkkkkk!! Happy Monday, people..:))

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Happy Eid-ul Fitri 1434 H

Happy Eid Mubarak for those who celebrate.. Wish u all more prosperous & bless life..:))

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Patuha Resort #Bandung Holiday Day One

I and hubby has been made a plan that when i come to Jakarta we will going to Bandung to take some vacation. Waktu itu kita rencana cm satu hari aja di bandung, jd cm nginep semalem gt karna aku juga pengen jalan2 ke bogor. Tapi karna hubby dapet tawaran sewa mobil dari temennya yang lumayan murah jika dibandingin sama nyewa lewat travel agent akhirnya kita mutusin buat 3 hari 2 malem dibandung...#happy :)

Leaved the house at 9 am, kita lgs meluncur ke travel agen di Jl. Blora. Ini kedua kalinya kami pake jasa X-trans buat pergi ke bandung (yang pertama waktu kami liburan akhir taun). Selain harganya lebih miring dibandingkan cipagant* dan juga service nya memuaskan, on time jugak. Makanya kali inipun kami mutusin buat make X-trans lg.
Jam 12an kami nyampe bandung,turun di pool-nya X-trans didaerah cihampelas langsung kita cabut ke kantor temennya hubby buat ngambil mobil. Begitu dapet mobilnya, hal pertama x yang kita bedua lakuian adalaah......muter2 nyari tempat makan!! perut uda keroncongan gila2an karna dr jakarta gag sempet sarapan (ech sempet makan udon denk, tp seporsi buat berdua hehehe), alhasil nemunya di hokben, secara banyak warung yang tutup karna masi bulan puasa.

Selesai lunch, we're langsung cuss heading ke ciwedey, tapi tetep mampir ke kampus almamater swami dulu. Mau nostalgia katanya, ples aku juga aku kangen banget sama ayam goreng "Bagdhad" yang ada di belakang kampusnya. Well, kampus biru ini udah banyak berubah dr terakhir kali aku dtg (3 th lalu bok pas swami graduation). Namanya aja skrg uda ganti jadi Universitas Telkom, bukan Sekolah Tinggi lagi. Jalan2 sebentar jadi inget masa2 kami masi pacaran dulu disini xixixixi...:)

Mampir sana-sini, beli ini itu, akhirnya setelah hampir 2 jam we're on ride sampelah kita di Patuha Resort. Tempatnya sejukkkk dan ademmmm gilakkk...belum bgtu krasa sih awal2nya karna sampe disana matahari masi bersinar garaaang. Check in, liat2 keadaan sekitar resort, istirahat bentar trs dilanjutkan dengan jalan2 ke atas, taking sooo many pictures of course :))
Resort tempat kami nginep ini konsepnya lebih ke kayak villa pedesaan gitu. Panoramanya masi sangat alami gt, bahkan gag ada pembatas antara resort sama hutan sekitarnya. A bit creepy pas malemnya karna unfortunately our room di paling pojokan area resort, agak parno klo kebayang2 pas kita lagi tidur trs ada makhluk kejam model film "Scream" or "Scary Movie" gentayangan gt. Ditambah lagi aku sama swami tidur gag seranjang, gara2 missunderstanding jadinya kita dapet twins bed, bukan yang double bad, hadeeehhh T-T 

Villa kami lumayan besar, bersih, tapi gag ada telpon, jadi kalo kami perlu apa2 ato sekedar tanya ini mesti jalan kaki ke reseptionis which is jaraknya lumayan jauh. Bathroom lumayan besar (gag bisa berhenti ketawa pas inget pertama nginjek lantai kamar mandi without sandals kami terlonjak kaget krna lantainya LUAR BIASA DINGIN!!), ada pemandian air panas ditengah2 resort (untuk umum sih, gag kayak pas kami di malaysia we have a private jacuzy hehehe). We have no AC (mungkin karena si pemilik resort menganggap disini sudah terlalu dingin x y, sempet protes juga c ama swami knp kita gag dapet AC, but malemnya i completely freezing & couldnt sleep well, and lebi diperparah dengan gag bisa meluk swami karna kita tidur diranjang yang berbedaaaa..huhuhuhu :((

Hopefully si owner bakalan lebih ngembangin lagi resort ini biar lebih bagus lagi. Oh y, we got free pass to enter Kawah Putih (Hubby sooo happy, karna dya bakalan puas dapet objek sempurna buat test drive camera barunya #smooch
Over all we love this place :)) :* :*


Sunday, August 04, 2013

Intimidating & Irritating

For the first time in my whole life, i feel so intimidating & irritating about something surround me. I just got back home from pacific place, one of the biggest lifestyle mall in Jakarta. When hubby showed me those mall for the first time, i already knew that everything inside was beyond me. I saw "Hermes" counter from outside, makes me even "minder" --_____--

But finally i had a chance to come inside and look forward my own eyes all that "temptations". Main destination is to buy daniel wellington watch series, because its not available anymore in Grand Indonesia. And we're inside hmmmmpt...i cant help myself to not to feel intimidating. Luiz Vitton, Valentino, Hermes and bla bla bla which is all is branded!! And what makes it even worst, they just display Audy, Jaguar & Lamborghini. They even dont have motorbike parking area. Oooemjiiie 😓😓😓

One thing i considered as my amusement is i met CINDY KARMOKO, the Hippie Gone Mad girl, in Galleries Lafayette. I with my hubby and she with her bf. she looks so different. Compare with her look in social media, in reality she looks more friendly, sweet and reachable. She is tall, and finally i can see her "stunning & phenomenal" hair colour. Such a kind & humble girl i guess 😊😍

Well because i couldnt find the store which is selling daniel wellington watch, we decided to go back home. I caaant help myselllfffff T_T 😭😭😭

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Mudikers or New Comers

I'm on a train now,heading to Jakarta. Yess, tonight i'm leaving my house, my family and also my town to spent my whole week holiday with my hubby in Jakarta. Dunno why, but what i feel know that i'm not as much as excited couple weeks ago. I have kinda feeling that i really wanna stay here, in the house with the whole family members celebrate eid mubarak. I miss that euphoria very much, how we give an apologies to each other, ask for some angpau from uncle, aunty, grandpa, grandma or the other older family. I wanna stay together with them as much as i want to see my hubby...what a choice -__-

We got this plan for about 2 months ago, where hubby asking me to go to Jakarta this eid mubarak holiday. I was really excited that moment, had an imagines already that it'll be really please. Day by day going feels soooo slowly, such couldnt wait to heads to Jakarta very soon. But starting yesterday i was lost my excitement at all. I feel nothing, i just wanna stay. I dont wanna going nowhere T_T

I love my family as much as i loooove my hubby. They both are really mean to me. They mean a lottttt. So i guess nothinh can be regreted, all i need to do is just enjoying my welcome holiday happily. Happy holiday & happy mubarak fellas... Have a happy holiday & a bless Mubarak :))

Holiday Mubarak

last day in officeeeee...yayyyyyyy sooo happy because i'm heads to Jakarta this night by train.c u soon hubbyyyyyy....:* :* :* :)))))