Thursday, October 31, 2013

Something I Just Missing

end of October...and its been a month i lived here, being a housewife, who spent the whole time just stay at home, cooking, doing many kinds of household things...

i dont know exactly do i supposed to be happy or something else, one thing for sure that i really miss my used to life. I miss my daily works, i miss waking up early morning because my office hour started at 07.00 am, i miss riding my tweety every morning,i miss listening & singing through my ipod while driving on my way to office, i miss the trafic jam where i compete with another bikers on the road, aku kangen ngebut sama tweety pas lagi dikejar waktu alias kesiangan, aku kangen renungan pagi bareng temen2 sebelum mulai kerja, aku kangen bawain firman pagi, aku kangen beradu argumen sama bu Marsih, aku kangen sarapan bareng bu Devi dan Pak Heru, aku kangen soto mbok Giyem, aku kangen sarapan di warung Gajahan, aku kangen nasi bandengnya Pak Buntung, aku kangen gajian, aku kangen masak indomie sama Yosi di pantry, aku kangen dibuatin minum sama Pak Brengos, aku kangen ikut persekutuan Jumat pertama bareng guru2 karyawan sekompleks, and sooooo many things else...T______T

Dear God, i think i'm stress....:((

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A price = Quality

so as i once told you guys, that i'm kinda woman who really care about my face treatment. aku bener2 selektif dan gag mau nyoba perawatan ato obat aneh2 yang gag jelas even they offers low prices. BIG NO!!

when i was teenager, i only used a moisturizer for protecting my skin face from UV and as my daily protection. I also didn't familiar with facial, peeling or another treatment face, considered that time i was just a teenager who didn't thought or want to spent more money to took that treatment.
fyi, i did my very first treatment face a.k.a facial when i already being a worker, not a student anymore. i paid with my own money. dan tempat pertama kali yang jadi tujuan aku adalah Larissa Aesthetic Center, why karna aku udah dapet testi dari temen aku sendiri yang udah jadi pelanggan larissa dan hasilnya beneran oke banget deh. Dia jerawatan parah, dan abis pake produk krim dan segala macamnya dari larissa, she got her very very clean & healthy skin face. OMG mupeng abisss!!

For the first time i decided just to took their ordinary facial treatment without using their products because that time i already found my soulmate for my daily treatment face. My main problem is that i have so many dark spots in almost around my face. i didn't realize exactly when those dark spots become worse day by day, because all i had to do so far was just covered with make up. Therefor when i'm getting marry, my hubby suggested me to take a very special treatments included all the daily skin care to throwed the dark spots away, so i can get a very clean & shinning face on my biggest day. I did mesotherapy once a month for 5 months & spent a lot of money for those damn treatment. And i got nothiiiiiiiiingggg T___T

Slowly but sure aku mulai bisa menerima bahwa mungkin dark spots ini agak sulit hilang karna sepertinya ini genetik dari ibu aku, tante2 aku juga banyak yang punya, so all i can do is just covering it up with daily make up. But i still do facial in larissa regularly, at least once a month. Until i officially moved out to Jakarta, i really confused where i have to take a facial treatment while i know skin care center is just Larissa & Natasha. Caused by Larissa doesn't have their branch outlets in Jakarta yet, so mau gag mau Natasha is my the one & only choice.
I heard that all the treatments in Natasha is veryyy expensive. But i really have no choice, so last sunday my hubby acompanied me went there. The treatment takes 1,5 hours & worth IDR 230K. Hwaaaaaa....sekali perawatan di natasha bisa buat 4x perawatan di larissa!!
Kesel, kecewa dan campur aduk jadi satu abis pulang dr situ. Dalam hati janji sama diri sendiri that this is gonna be my first & my last time visit. Gag akan balik lagi kesitu dan mau cari skin care center lain saja. Buttttt lately i realize klo wajahku keliatan lebih cerah, gag kusam dan lebih seger, even baru bangun tidur. Suka banget liat wajahku kalo lagi pas abis mandi, kliatan cerah dan oke banget. Aku mikir, mungkin ini gara2 facial di natasha itu kali y. Biasanya klo abis facial di larissa boro2 muka kliatan cerah, yang ada malah kliatan item & oily along day. Abis pake sabun muka juga uda ilang gt aja efek alusnya karna abis di peeling. Emang sih harganya lebih pricey jika dibanding ama larissa, jauh banget malah. But i personally gag keberatan klo emang hasilnya juga diatas rata2. Cuma tinggal cari cara buat ngomong sama hubby heheehe :P XD

Hmmmm...i guess i have found my new soulmate skin care center, am i? Definitely gonna comeback soon for my next treatment...yayyy :))

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hunting Rumah

so hari ini aku menghabiskan hari terakhir liburan bersama swami dengan jalan-jalan keliling kota Depok buat sekedar liat-liat perumahan sambil swami pengen aku tau gimana dan seperti apa keadaan kota Depok secara langsung. 

seperti yang udah lama jadi rencana kami berdua buat nyari calon rumah tinggal tetap kami di daerah Depok karna di daerah Jakarta harganya udah gila-gilaan. Jadi ya dengan kondisi keungan kami akhirnya kami memutuskan buat nyari di daerah sekitaran Depok ato Tangerang. Personally aku suka sih sama daerah di Tangerang, daerahnya uda berkembang pesat banget. Gag perlu jauh2 ke Jakarta cuma buat nyari hiburan untuk sekedar ngemall or hunting makanan or good place for hangout karna semua udah ada. Dari mall, grocery shops, tempat hiburan umum kayak pasar tradisional, waterboom, dannn semuaaanyaaa adaaaa disiniiii *acungi jempol*
tapi selain karna pertimbangan jarak yang super duper juauhhhhhh minta ampun dari tempat kerja suami (kasian ama suami waktunya abis dijalan buat PP) dan beberapa pertimbangan lainnya akhirnya kami gag jadi ngambil didaerah Serpong, Tangerang dan mutusin buat mulai nyari2 didaerah Depok.

Berangkat dari rumah sekitar jam 8.30 pagi, dan butuh waktu sekitar 1-1,5 jam buat nyampe di daerah kotanya. So far ngeliat jalan2 dan kotanya aku suka sih, gag terlalu padet dan belum serame Tangerang. Gag banyak  spot perumahan yang kami datengi hari ini, cuma beberapa tempat termasuk mantan calon rumah kami yang dulu gag jadi kami ambil karna developernya gag jelas abal2 gitu. Dan ternyata mantan calon rumah kami itu kondisinya masih sama persis kyk waktu terakhir kali suami liat (aku baru liat directly pertama kali ini karna dulu hubby cuma sent pic lewat mobile ajah), belum ada perubahan sama sekali. Which is means rumah itu belum laku yang menjelaskan bahwa kami mengambil keputusan yang tepat untuk tidak jadi mengambil rumah itu. Thanks God :)

Karna gag begitu banyak perumahan yang harus dilihat akhirnya kami menghabiskan waktu makan siang di Margo City. U know what, its feels like home when i entered the mall. Gag tau kenapa tapi aku ngerasa kayak aku berada ditempat yang selama ini aku kangenin banget. Yupp, ambience mall nya kayak Solo Square & Paragon, my most favorite mall in my town. Makanya aku betah banget disitu, jam 2.30 pm baru kami cabut dan lanjut lagi acara liat2 perumahan disekitar jalan Margonda Raya.
Honestly belum2 aku udah pusing desperate banget tentang persoalan nyari rumah ini. Harganya bikin aku puyeng, paling murah 300jutaan  belum lagi mikirin jaraknya yang rata2 butuh 1-2 jam buat nyampe ke Jakarta *elus2 jidat*

well masi banyak pilihan lainnya sih and it means that we still have a lot of choices. Semangat semangat dan semangattttt!!!!! Sure we can do babe :D :D

Monday, October 14, 2013

Bogor Short Trip

two days ago, my elder sister in law message me & asking about what me & my hubby gonna do for our holiday welcoming Eid Al-Adha. i said nothing, even the truly is i & hubby will going to Gua Maria Carmel in Lembang. But after have a conversation with hubby finally we receive her offers to go to Bogor for some walks & sight seeing and even more shopping *lirik-lirik suami* hihihihi :D

soooo here are some our lovely pics.....HAPPYYYYY :D :D

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Canon Photo Marathon Indonesia

spent my first holiday this saturday with accompanied hubby attending canon photo marathon Indonesia at Cilandak Town Square. Leaved the house at 07.00 am and cameback home at 07.00 pm. Tired but funnnnn :D :D

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Housewife New Rhythm

its almost been a week i came & stay here. Starting  a new life with my hubby, leaved all my families, friends & also my comfort zone to welcoming my future together as husband-wife :)

i dont have a job yet, so i through my day as a housewife instead. Cooking for lunch or dinner (my hubby still in his OCD so he always skiped the breakfast time), vegetables shopping in the market near our house, and so many household things helped me through my day by day as a jobless.
i couldn't say that i enjoying as a jobless, but so far i can proudly say that i really enjoying my new status as a housewife. i tried my best to enjoy everything i would do day by day, and i always promise to myself that i would never let my hubby down, i would show him how happy i am to be together with him here. I wanna he knows that live together here with him is my biggest happiness, and i dont want to change it with ANYTHING. I'M TOTALLY SURE!

as my neighbour "tante" told me this morning, that we can always find a new job wherever we are, but the most important thing when u are a wife is stay where your husband is, because we are a family now. Strongly 100% agree with u tanteeee...thanks for brace me up indirectly,you are really nice & kind, just like my hubby once told me about you :* :*

so i dont have no reason to not to be grateful for everything i had in my life now. i have the greatest hubby in the world and i have so many time to do anything i want to do in my leasure time. I wish (really wish) i can starting my dreams project (shoes olshop) and could decided yet about what i'm going to do with the foodcourt in ITC very soon:)

Happy Friday felass :))

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

New Life, New Place, Best Future

as i told you guys before that i'll moving out to Jakarta by the first week of October, so finally i have arrived in my new hometown this morning wif hubby. After had a very touched farewell with my mom & my sista, in the end i could leave my family & my hometown peacefully :)

arrived at 06.00 am and spent my whole first day just lay down on my bed, and ended my day with some grocery shopping with hubby. Overall i'm happy welcoming my new rhythm as a housewife, no more office work, housework instead. I'm truly ready to face my new life here with my hubby. God knows how i really wants to make my hubby happy. This is my new life & i'm pretty sure God Himself would provide all i need. Amenn :))


Thursday, October 03, 2013

WW Never Ending Story

so after a little "thanksgiving" in office with common meal the famous Ayam Bakar Tentrem, tonight we met again to chit & chat for the last time before my flight next monday. based on Bu Marsih's idea, finally we decided to spent the night in Wedangan Pendopo at 07.00 pm. i'm over excited to see they again after 3 days i officially resign, and also because i'm going to meet my best boyfriend, my parnert in crime the one & only Nuel :DD

we bumped each other, joking & laughing while enjoying the meal, the angkringan menus. Absolutely with sego bandeng, teh anget dan segala macam bakar-bakarannya itu, kami menghabiskan waktu dengan bercerita ngalor-ngidul, ini dan itu. OOhhh gosh, i miss that place with all the people inside already. Aku kangen banget sama suasana kantor yang selalu rame & ceria. Something that warm my heart than before is i can feel their careness for me. They came to see me, untuk melepas kepergianku dengan bertemu sekali lagi sebelum aku bener2 meninggalkan kota ini. Sooo happy happy & hapyy :))

we apart at 09.00 pm, they hug me tighly & kiss me to say goodbye. i even begging to them to meet again when i going home this christmas. after they all went home, i still continuing sitting and joking with my two closest friends, Yosi & Nuel. Nuel taking me home in Yosi's place where i'm going to stay overnight because its too late at night to go back home. Crita2 masi berlanjut sampe akhirnya i'm begging to Nuel to drive me along the road. Pengen banget jalan2 ngeliat Solo pas malem hari for the last time. And yeahhh, we driving along Slamet Riyadi until 12.00pm hahahaha...sebenernya aku masi pengen jalan2 dan nongkrong lagi sih tp kasihan mereka karna paginya mereka masi harus kerja, gag kayak aku yang udah officially jobless hehehe..

dan akhirnya kami pun berpisah setelah saling berjanji buat tetep keep in touch. Ooo God, i feel really blessed to have them in my life. Terimakasih karna sudah memberi kami kesempatan saling bertemu dan berkenalan di WIdya Wacana, dimana kami pernah sama2 melalui hari dengan persahabatan kami yang luar biasa. Surely never cant stop thankful, and we promised each other to still keep in touch, and always gonna meet up when i come to solo. Ohhh rasanya sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk ketemu mereka this christmas. See u soon my besfriend,..:* :*

ps....psssttttt...i had a very wonderful night which is too sweet to be true.and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have a very beautiful dreams. Gudnite tweeps :))

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

1st October 1st Unemployee

so this is my first day being unemployee, after almost 3 years being an employee in YSK Widya Wacana. I was crying a  lot last night, because i felt so sad to leave my work with all my friends inside, felt so scared about what's my future gonna look like. i looove my job, i looooveee my friends but i know this is the time i have to starts a new life, welcoming my true future with my hubby. So i took a deep breath, pray to God, and singing along night. Thanks God i'm getting better when i woke up this morning. One thing i'll never forget, SINGING + PRAYING = BEST HEALING EVER!! :))

has a plan with my auntie & sista to go to Jogja for some walk & shops, we leaved the house at 07.45 am forward to train station. Yeahh, after our plan to go to Bandung has canceled, we decided to going to Jogja instead. better late than never, rite hehehe...

 leaved Klaten station at 09.15 am by Madiun Jaya train, we took some photo and video (as always) over the train. Honestly this was my very first experience using public transportation to go traveling and today was sooooo much fun!! We walk along Malioboro, window shopping at Malioboro Mall, ate very delicious Lunpia in the Malioboro roadside and continued window shopping & have a lunch in Ambarukmo plaza. This time we didn't purchased ANYTHING a.k.a this is the real "JALAN-JALAN" and just window shopping. So happy and hoping i'm gonna have a chance again considering i'll leave this town next monday. So, OCTOBER I DARE YOUUU :* :* :))

ps..i also made a video when we're on the train, check it out here